Anyone receive The American Community Survey?

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user 64972

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Dec 23, 2006
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The American Community Survey

I rec'd "The American Community Survey" from the U.S. Department of Commerce earlier in the week. It states that "YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW". Evidentailly this is a follow up to the U.S Census that I reluctantly filled out last year...

First, has anyone else heard of this BS survey?? In my 60 years, I've never heard of anyone receiving a follow up to the Census!! Sounds like something a freakin community organizer would come up with.

Second, what can they do if I don't fill it out?
This is exactly the kind of BS this admin is doing....I worked for the Census in 2010...I do not believe you are legally obligated to answer any questions other than the number of people that reside at your residence....That is in the Constitution, that's it....

They sent a card notifying me it was coming and then one after it arrived letting me know i should have rec'd it. Odd crap...
I got one too and just threw it away. Also on the '10 census i only answered the first few questions. I was getting followup calls from the census about it and i just put the number on my blocked caller list. Problem solved! The crap they are asking is scary and insulting in my opinion..
Back in the day, you either got the "long form" or "short form" during the regular Census. Now, everyone gets the short form. In off years, they do the ACS, but it's more detailed than the long form used to be.
Looks like a lot of the same questions asked in last years census. Probably needed to have more folks on the government payroll.:throwup:
They claim "You must answer their questions" however, if the survey was not sent via certified mail, or with a "Return receipt" they have no way to prove you ever got the survey?

If they want to get sticky about it and attempt to procecute you (they never will) they still cannot prove you received the survey.

The information about the ACS indicates that after the last Census (every 10 years) in 2010, that your home/family situation may have changed and this information is to update the census? It's kind of odd that this issue always seems to come up around the General Election time? Personally, I think the data is used by politicians just to help them get reelected. Even the Census information is used by politicians to get info on the people who live in their districts and helps them remap the districts for the best chance to get reelected.

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Ooooh, gerrymandering sounds like a fun diversion. Let's do it!:argue:

Yes, political Gerrymandering when ever they think they can get away with it.

Right now Texas' voting districts are being remapped and that has already caused delays for this years Texas primary elections.

This is about the 3rd time this remapping of the voting districts has occured in the past 8-10 years. After the first remapping, a Federal Judge threw out the remapping because it amounted to Gerrymandering....attempted to remap districts for a political/voting advantage. So now they are trying again, but I think all the politicians have agreed on a new redistricting plan. ...We will see :banghead:


as for todays news. There are certain minority groups, still arent happy. They are being put in front of the news by the usual trouble makers.

I dont think none are ever going to be happy. What ever happened to votting for who you thought would be the best. Not voting along race lines. Im sick of it.
Because of gerrymandering, voters are chosen by politicians, not the other way around. One of the things I took away from my political science degree was that voting is essentially irrational. I will end it with that.

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