Anyone seen code 442

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Kevin Szagala

Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
Oaklyn, NJ
My check engine light came on during my drive home from work tonight. Neighbor who is a toyota mechanic read it for me and said it was a 442: Small Emissions leak. Anybody seen this before?

It is an 02 with 81k. I did have my cats replaced at 78k by ford, covered under 80k emission warranty.
nice Ive always wanted a muscle car, my wife says I can use as much muscle as I can get :/

anyway, I did get gas yesterday, but have driven 100 miles since then. I figured if it was the gas cap the check gas cap light would go on. I reseated the cap. If it doesnt clear I will check the sensors from the post.

Last night I made sure the gas cap was installed right.

I went out this morning to drive to work and their were 2 small puddles on the ground, looked and smelled like coolant. Drive 40 miles to work and everything went ok. Come out of work tonight and another puddle on the ground and while driving home the check engine light comes on again. When I get home I look at the radiator and it looks like there is a spot in the bottom corner that is leaking. Thought I saw a bubble and there is a wet spot at the bottom of the radiator and on the cover underneath the radiator it is wet.

Could this cause my code? The code did say small leak but I thought it said it was emissions.

anybody replaced a radiator, whats the damage usually?

Some OBD=II diagnostic error codes require as many as 10 complete cold-start and warm-up cycles after an error has been corrected before the CEL light and error code will clear.

In the case of the loose gas cap, that will usually clear in about 10 miles or 10 minutes of highway driving. I got one of those in my old 2001 Sport Trac about 4 years ago because I had just gassed up and forgot to put the gas cap back on...:wacko:

I had to driver for 10 or 15 miles before I noticed that the light had gone out.

My neighbor is a mechanic and he has been clearing the codes for me using his reader. He was able to see that it was the same code vaule as last time, but not the same instance. It was pretty neat, could tell how fast I was going and see the RPMs, engine temp, etc. Ive driven 75 or so miles since the first code.

I talked to him and he said the radiator and the CEL are not related so it could be 2 problems. I am deciding now whether or not to fix the problem(s) or just trade it in and be done with it. I love my truck but it is an 02 with 81k. I only have 10 months left of payments and could get a brand new car with less payments per month; although it would be for another 5 years. I could also save about 150 each month on gas with better mpg.
I am deciding now whether or not to fix the problem(s) or just trade it in and be done with it.

In other words, screw the next person. It is only OK when you are on the giving end, but when it happens to you, it is the end of the world.

You are leaking coolant. No biggie. Find the leak and repair it. Hundred bucks or so? Whoopie.

As for the P0442 code, it could be as simple as a new fuel cap. You might want to replace it just for the heck of it. Clear the code and drive it. If the light comes back on, the it is time to do more searching.

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My bad.

Just researched it on the web and they (old G.M.) called it "Torreador Red" from

1962-1965. The exact top color I couldn't find. But I'm guessing just a "white"!!!
Was my Dad's 67 442 W-30. I think the color was Torreador Red but I'm not sure. Yes, the white painted top was a factory option.

My Dad owned the vehicle 2 times from the mid 80's until about 2 years ago. When he first got it it had 28k original miles on it.

Can't believe he got rid of it. :(