Anyone seen Transformers?

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Jeff C...You are right.

The first TMNT movie was actually pretty good, because they "did it right", or at least better than the rest of the films. I thought they got really, really bad after that, and I guess the later ones were SO bad that they ruined them all for me.

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I wasn't expecting The Shawshank Redemption, but plenty of other movies based on cartoons or comics have been pulled off much better. Just recently, the Spiderman and X-Men films were far superior, IMO.

Like I said, I give the film huge props for visual appeal (that includes the co-star), but to me there wasn't enough of a story to keep it all going. It just seemed like pauses between explosions and fight scenes.
Be ready...more cartoon to movie crossovers are slated says Entertainment Weekly, including:

- GI Joe,

- Alvin and the Chipmunks

- Thundercats

- Master's of the Universe (again...but hopefully not a sucky)

- Smurfs

SMURFS?!?!?!? LOL!!!! Can't wait for THAT one! LOL!!!
pnoid i thought i was the only one talking to my

By the way the movie was great i highly recommend it.
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Piro said:
I wasn't expecting The Shawshank Redemption, but plenty of other movies based on cartoons or comics have been pulled off much better. Just recently, the Spiderman and X-Men films were far superior, IMO.

I wasn't consider "comic book" films in my comparison, Piro, but you seem to lump them together. Yes, Transformers wasn't as overall satisfying as the first Spiderman film, but I did find it equal to all the rest, and to all the X-Men film.

Like I said, it's a different sub-genre to me. It's the "cartoon to live-action movie". Yes, Spiderman and X-Men had animated versions, but they started as comics so I wasn't considering them.

Now, a purist would mention that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was an underground comic first, then a cartoon, and thus not worth mentioning by me due to my own "rules"...and I would understand that. But it's my rule...I'll break if when I want. :) Seriously, though, TMNT didn't become a phenom and pop fad until the cartoon and toys. Furthermore, it's the cartoon and merchandising that really lump together "Transformers" with others like Thundercats, Smurfs, Masters of the Universe, etc.

Sweet! making other cartoons into the future of movies.... HMM.. maybe "Captain Planet" might be cool! Or even the remake of all the wrestlers. I can't remember what the cartoon was called though. Old cartoons are endless for new ground breaking stuff. I think they should make a remake of the old "Captain America" movie.

It's all good, everyone has their opinion. (Though I was definitely going to call you on TMNT if you hadn't beaten me to the punch and admitted it started as a comic.)

It's worth seeing, and if someone is going to see it at all- I'd definitely recommend seeing it in the theater. We got lucky and saw it on a new digital projector the AMC here just installed. Crystal-clear, even on the theater's biggest screen.
I had heard about GI JOE (I do believe I'll be in line for that one as well). But the others? SWEET! THUNDERCATS, HO!

Saw the 1-1/2 story tall poster for Alvin and the Chipmunks at the theater. Interesting.

Just as long as they keep Dolph Lundgren from saying "I HAVE THE POWER!" it'll be all good.

It's likely that only us Air Force geeks would notice or even care. I find it hard to watch a movie which has a military theme or even someone wearing a uniform. I tend to focus on the errors too much and lose track of the movie. I remember one where the guy wearing a service dress had to location of his ribbons and name tag reversed.

Sadly, I did see this in real life once as well. We had a SSgt that was being awarded as NCO of the Year for our Group. She had her ribbons and name tag reversed on her service dress. I found it unbelieveable that no NCO or officer from her office noticed this before she walked up onto the stage. It took all credibility away from the award being presented.