ATTN: Mr. Stern -- winter jackets needed

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jeanie mills

Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Magnolia Springs, , AL
Rich, Do you have any more of the blue denim sport trac shirts? Ours have nearly bitten the dust and we will probably have another two to three days of very cold weather. thanks. Jeanie
Jeanie, I need to correct you--any weather that only needs a denim shirt to provide adequate warmth cannot be categorized as "very cold". Or even "mildly cold", for that matter.

Rich, We have been blessed. In Ivan we lost two shingles and the tree beside the house leaned against the house until the wind changed direction. It then made a gentle fall sideways to the ground -- doing minimal damage. Course, like everyone else with these monsters, we were without electric. Thank goodness for the Illinois electric folks.