Attn: Northern Yanks

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
, GA
Barbecue is NOT a verb.

Grilling a burger does not constitute "having a barbecue." Nor does grilling barbecue chicken, or any other form of grilling or general outdoor cooking. You don't go to a barbecue. You eat barbecue.

I just had this discussion with some PA family members of mine recently and the pork chop topic made me think of it. My grandparent's neighbor from Long Island admitted Thursday night at a Wild Game Supper that he had never had barbecue before he moved to Georgia. He always used the word in the sense of cooking outdoors. It never even occurred to him that it was a type of food. I almost asked him if he had ever had fried chicken, fried pickles, or cornbread, but I was already feeling too sorry for this guy.
I grill a lot. I bbq on occasion. When I bbq it's always amazing (at least in my head) grilling is just cooking.. bbq is more like cheffing (is that a word?)
I grill a lot. I bbq on occasion. When I bbq it's always amazing (at least in my head) grilling is just cooking.. bbq is more like cheffing (is that a word?)
JD, ya been smoking those chops with Bill Barber or am I just seeing double?

Hugh, you have PA relatives???? I hope THAT doesn't get out!:bwahaha::bwahaha: At least you straightened them out on the Bwa-bee-cue!:grin:

Thank goodness you didn't offer them the squirrel, rabbit, possum or gopher as the "other" white meat!:bwahaha::bwahaha:
My cousin barbeques. I do cookouts. Seriously, my cousin runs a company that sells grilling and barbeque equipment and supplies. Every now and then, he cooks up a brisket or whatever and sells meals at his retail store.

In my neck of the woods, people seem to use "barbeque" correctly. "Grilling" or "cooking out" are the most-common terms for cooking on an outdoor grill.


Thanks for the culinary lesson.:supercool:

I use the term "Cook Out" meaing outside,, usually burgers or chicken or the occasional steak.

BBQ is more slow cooking. Larger pieces of meat.

You've made me hungry now, thanks alot!!!

No one ever said the South's strong point was proper English. :)




vt \ˈbr-bi-ˌky\


Definition of BARBECUE


: to roast or broil on a rack or revolving spit over or before a source of heat (as hot coals)


: to cook in a highly seasoned vinegar sauce

barbecuer noun

Examples of BARBECUE

1. We barbecued chicken and ribs.

2. We barbecue often during the summer.

Origin of BARBECUE


First Known Use: 1690
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No one ever said the South's strong point was proper English. :)


:fire: We don't like trannies down here either! ( I'm not talking about the 5-speed kind )

: to roast or broil on a rack or revolving spit over or before a source of heat (as hot coals)

While cookin' out.....

: to cook in a highly seasoned vinegar sauce

While cookin' out.....

Examples of BARBECUE

1. We barbecued chicken and ribs.( on the grill while cookin' out)

2. We barbecue often during the summer.( incorrect grammar)


Around this part of the country you go to Bridges to get good barbecue ........ period! And ya have to drive to Shelby to get it.:grin:
I will say, though, that if the South chooses to trade a little English usage for a lot of good barbecue :))), we're all the better for it.

That basket of barbecued food (heh heh heh) looks really good.
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My ex F-inlaw would cook meat on coals. He would put the bbq sauce on the meat then cook it real fast on charcoal. I had to show him how to slow cook and sauce towards the end..LOL.. They would eat their chicken still pink or raw in the middle..nasty..His beef would be ok in the middle still pink or red. But the outside was way past seared..was burnt from the too hot coals..LOL

Of course he was from Mass.
As a kid, many years ago, I grew up thinking that our outdoor grill was a barbeque/barbecue/bbq. I COOK on a 'Webber' Grill, whether it be smoked, barbequed or just grilled. It's all just cookin' to me, don't really care, as long as it's 'not lit' (Bill Barber...hehe) it's all good.

Going back to MY roots, my dad would cook or "bbq" venison on the grill and tell my cousins that it was "Monkey meat". Now, my grand-daughter can't wait to eat Pappy's bbq'd monkey meat (usually pork, chicken or beef) all the same to her and as long as she enjoys it... it's all good!

I say as long as you're getting fed, that's a blessing, no matter how or what you're calling it.
If you've got relatives in Pennsyltucky, you're most definately confused. Barbeque is an often misaligned word. Barbeque is a style of cooking, relating to the method and seasoning. However in today's venacular, it is totally acceptable to say:

"I'm going out to get some barbeque" or,

"I'm going to a barbeque", (where the aforementioned type of cooking is being made).

"Grilling" is and is not barbeque!

A "cook-out" can be one or the other and even both.

Allthough it is listed in Webster's Dictionary as a noun and pertains to any meat broiled over an open fire.

"Barbequeing" (the adjective form) is the act of preparing meat outdoors by roasting on a spit or broiling on a grill. So that is my 2 cents worth, take it or not. I'm going out now to broil some meat on my grill. HAH, BC :argue: :cheeky:
Sorry, I forgot the English language was created and perfected by yous guys.

This video should clear it up for y'all right quick.
Hugh, respectfully, it is both a verb and a noun, but I get your point.

I barbeque on my grill, because it is a barbeque grill. I also recognize that I can make a lot of things on that grill, that aren't techically barbeque from the sense of a Texas bbq, or a NC barbeque, or a southern bbq in general sense.

I've been down south. I work for a company HQed in Duluth GA. I have good bbq and bad bbq throughout all parts of this country.

I also get insulted when I go to a barbeque place "down south" and am served what are clearly "from frozen" ribs... If I wanted that, I would just buy the crappy "Lloyds" ribs from Giant and warm them up myself. Blech.

Even barbeque isn't barbeque in some places.

Hugh, you have my deepest, sincere and heartfelt thanks for the wonderful rendition of the history of B-B-Q. Before I elaborate any further, I must inform you that even though I live in New Jersey, my home is below the Mason-Dixon line. I also own a house in South Carolina on Hilton Head Island. Please do not consider me a "damn yankee". You however, sound as if you are a transplant from New York(see quote below)

"I forgot the English language was created and perfected by yous guys"

Since it appears that this is the case, you have very little room to elaborate the various subtleties and nuances of so fine a food group. Oh, it would appear that some lazy backwoods, toothless, dirt farmer ancestor took as fine a language as English and bastardized it into an illegible, barely speakable (let alone understand) form of communication. Just remember who taught the slaves to speak in this country! Hugh, I love you man, you're a great guy and you drive a Trac. So, don't take this too seriously, BC
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I will absolutely take offense to that, lol. I am Georgia born and raised. Spent all 25 years of my life in Georgia. I feel I am very qualified to elaborate on barbecue and consider it one of my personal interests. I spent almost as much time in college learning how to grill and make barbecue as I did in my studies. Tailgating is kind of a big deal at UGA and the women love a guy who can make mean bbq pork ribs or grilled gator.

The "yous guys" was in jest of yankees and in reference to the earlier accusation that Southerners don't use correct English. At least y'all is a correct contraction of the phrase you all and is common in other languages. It is the vosotros form in Spanish if anyone needs an example. Perhaps somebody could finally tell me what yous, or yens, or you'ns is supposed to mean. Not to get off the topic of barbecue, though.

I also love anytime somebody tries to make fun or Southern rednecks and all I have to do is mention Jersey Shore. Such an enlightened culture y'all got up there. :bwahaha:
Touche'. PLEASE do not let "Jersey Shore" taint the real image of what the shore is!! It is a truly "family area" of fine hard working people. The plasticized BENNY (Bayone/Elizabeth/Newark/New York) transients are a part of the summer culture, but doesn't represent the true flavour of our state. The southern half of the state is the polar opposite of the north. And YES, we do have B-B-Q here. the Smokehouse, the Southern House and PIG. Yeah, its really called that. Ours is an ecclectic mix of many styles, dry rub, vinegar based and a little cajun mixed in. I've eaten B-B-Q in quite a few different states and I can honestly say that one isn't any better than the next, just different! BC :haveabeer:
Bob C,

Spent a great day at the Jersey shore today with my two favorite ladies (wife, daughter). We went to Island Beach State Park, and it was our first time there, but will likely go back again next year. We are not the boardwalk type. We just want sand, shells, water, and the sound and smell of the ocean...all without crowds and traffic...that's why we waited until this time this year.

Was a BEAUTIFUL day on the Jersey shore today, even though the waves were high.


Some of the best barbeque I've had has come from my grill in PA (and the one in NY before that). Yanks can cook. Heck, we BBQ'ed Atlanta pretty good at one time...burned it up nice. :banana:

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Heck, we BBQ'ed Atlanta pretty good at one time...burned it up nice.

The official union stance on the issue has been that the Southerners burned their own city...guess you haven't been reading the new abridged history books. :boohoo:

I also get insulted when I go to a barbeque place "down south" and am served what are clearly "from frozen" ribs... If I wanted that, I would just buy the crappy "Lloyds" ribs from Giant and warm them up myself. Blech.

Sadly, this is too true. There should be certification that a restaurant has to obtain to be a true Barbecue place, so that regional reputations are not tarnished. Southern BBQ has come in 3 varieties for me. 1) What I can get in my home region. 2) Low grade meat with WAY too much vinegar in the mix, to cover the inferior quality. 3) Clearly pre-prepared, from-frozen stuff.

Yanks can cook.

No...just, no. They can't, and no amount of affirmation will change that fact. What is the most famous form of Northern cooking? Italian. There was a time when Italian food was hailed as the worst in the world. Personally, that time is still ongoing.

Just remember who taught the slaves to speak in this country!

...I think they already knew how to do that.

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