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Johnny O

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Still having rotator cuff issues. Infection came back a second time, got operated on again yesterday and laid up in the hospital now on IV antibiotics.

That sucks. Bad enough to have to have the surgery, and now get a post-op infection...twice!! Well, I hope the Antibiotics kick in fast and you start feeling better soon.

get well soon ,,,,

infections sux,,,,, hospital sux they tell ya rest /sleep then the tards come in wake ya to see how your feeling

get well soon ,,,,
You may be interested in the following story recently done by NBC. I would also recommend you at least run this by a lawyer.
As an OR Scrub nurse, I must protest. All parameters of instrument sterilization are very closely monitored with chemical and biological indicators. Don't believe in "dirty instruments. What I do believe is in poor aseptic technique. The supplies are almost never the problem, its the people!

John, I can empathize with you, as I just went through an infection about 4 weeks ago. But it had nothing to do with improper care. I do sincerely hope that you get better soon and get that meet done in time! My best wishes for a speedy recovery. Bob
johnny o,

get well soon. i bet the hounds miss you!

i had the surgery a year and half ago and i was just evaluated with a 30-40% loss of r.o.m.

best wishes :supercool:
You may be interested in the following story recently done by NBC. I would also recommend you at least run this by a lawyer.

Disagree. Perhaps talk to a doctor about medicine before a lawyer. Only one of them chose their profession for monetary gain.
My ex got some sort of bad infection after a simple outpatient lumpectomy. She was deathly ill.

The Hospital readmitted her for a more than a week. Didnt charge us out part or the unsurance, for the outpatient or the infection healing.

Something was being covered up. My bet is they were hoping for no lawsuits.
I have known several people who came out of the hospital with a "staff infection". The cause was traced to doctors and/or nurses not washing their hands between patients.
Going home today. Do IV's at home for probably 4 weeks. Have a PICC line in my arm to do that. I previously worked in another hospital for 10 years and I will say that this place is a lot less picky about who and what goes into the OR area. A friend is a malpractice lawyer and I've been in contact. It's a little soon yet, but basically I don't see why I should have to pay for any of my follow-up issues out of my pocket.

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