Back to dealer wednesday!!!

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Andy Szkutak

Active Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Eden, NY
Well, i picked the truck up today from Emerling Ford, and the service manager tells me they drove it about 30 miles...which already ps me off, and intervally tried to engage the 4wd, which worked fine each soon as i get home, it wont go in...i try on a muddy dirt road near my house..after about 4 switches back and forth it went in, but then got stuck in 4wd...i eventually got it back to 2wd after another 4 or 5 switches back and forth...I rush home and call them back, they say they tried it for the 30 miles, and they ask if i tried it on a dry road, i told them thats not supposed to be used on dry roads, and he said ok good..then i tell him from what i read on the sport trac forum(here lol) that it probably is the 4wd shift motor...he then says "well thats a very expensive guess ya know, why dont you let that go to the ford techs" At that point i blew up on the phone...i told him he insulted not only everyone on here who helps, but also my own intelligence! I told him i guarantee him the people on this forum know more than his techs do! he really didnt have anything to say after this. I then told him i will be there at 2pm wednesday and he told me i can take a tech with me to show...i told him im finding a muddy area and if it wont engage, we will then get stuck, and he will have to get me towed out..again no reply...I just cant stand this whole thing-Its a ford truck, and ford themselves cant find whats wrong...That just goes to show, the only REAL techs are the owners themselves!:)

Thanks for all the help, and ill be sure to get the 4wd motor addressed this wednesday!

You might want to try making a deal with them. Maybe tell them you will pay for the motor if replaceing it does not fix the problem.

There's a risk to you if it's not the motor, of course, but it's the same risk the dealer doesn't want to take. You might get them to agree to install a motor you get at a lesser cost (no real risk to them if it doesn't work).

I know you shouldn't have to play these games, but if it gets you want you want, you might give it a try.

Just a thought. Another dealer is also a good idea.
Andy, there are a lot of ford employees and techs on this site.....( may have wanted to tell them that!!.. This is where ford gets its repair ideas from !!!!)..:)

The only way this is solved is to have a tech ride with you, This way they can verify the issue...

Hope they get it right...

Todd Z
So the dealer trys it and it works ok, did your odometer show that they drove it? If they did and it worked for them then do you think they should just start throwing parts at it. I take it it's not under warranty being a '01 so the repairs are at your expense. So say they throw a shift motor in at your request, drive it and it works for them, they charge you for the repair, you take it home and then it doesn't work...who is out the $$$. The dealer shouldn't be because he did what you requested...put the shift motor in even when they tried it,it worked ok. Electrical parts are non returnable at most parts stores and dealerships. I would rather have them do a proper diagnosis on it, if it works intermittantly then leave it until it finally quits completely then have it repaired properly. I know problems like this are frustrating but I can see the dealer not wanting to throw parts at it and then charge you for a repair that may not have been necessary.