V6 Viking
OK, so now that I've drained and relpaced the battery acid in my batteries with new electrolyte, can anyone tell me how to dispose of the original battery acid? It is currently in two 1 gallon sealed plastic pails.
Thanks again!!
by v6viking, 3/10/2007 15:27 ET
Category - Off-topic
OK Guys and Gals....Need a little guidance on this one.
I decided that today would be the day that I refill my batteries for my boat...I'm familiar with the process, so it should be a simple task. Ahhhhh, if it was only that easy...
So, I charge my batteries to full charge before topping off and grab the clear liquid that I believe to be distilled water. 1 1/2 batteries later I see my HUGE mistake. I've topped off my batteries with clear vinegar!!!!
Does anyone know what the outcome of this science experiment is going to be?? I'm guessing that new batteries for the boat are on the horizon....
Thanks all....
re: Battery Issue...Need help!! by Coastiejoe,3/10/2007 16:42 ET
I don't think you have a big issue.
Drain the batteries and put in new fluid, (Battery Acid), which you can buy from any parts store.
If they don't have battery fluid then use distilled water and charge them up...
Message was edited by Coastiejoe on 3/10/2007 at 18:08 ET
re: Battery Issue...Need help!! by Gary,3/10/2007 16:53 ET
I would think you'd need battery acid, not just distilled water. I think they call it electrolyte or something like that, I also think you'd want to flush the vinegar out before you put in the battery acid.
Message was edited by Gary on 3/10/2007 at 18:40 ET
Thanks again!!
by v6viking, 3/10/2007 15:27 ET
Category - Off-topic
OK Guys and Gals....Need a little guidance on this one.
I decided that today would be the day that I refill my batteries for my boat...I'm familiar with the process, so it should be a simple task. Ahhhhh, if it was only that easy...
So, I charge my batteries to full charge before topping off and grab the clear liquid that I believe to be distilled water. 1 1/2 batteries later I see my HUGE mistake. I've topped off my batteries with clear vinegar!!!!
Does anyone know what the outcome of this science experiment is going to be?? I'm guessing that new batteries for the boat are on the horizon....
Thanks all....
re: Battery Issue...Need help!! by Coastiejoe,3/10/2007 16:42 ET
I don't think you have a big issue.
Drain the batteries and put in new fluid, (Battery Acid), which you can buy from any parts store.
If they don't have battery fluid then use distilled water and charge them up...
Message was edited by Coastiejoe on 3/10/2007 at 18:08 ET
re: Battery Issue...Need help!! by Gary,3/10/2007 16:53 ET
I would think you'd need battery acid, not just distilled water. I think they call it electrolyte or something like that, I also think you'd want to flush the vinegar out before you put in the battery acid.
Message was edited by Gary on 3/10/2007 at 18:40 ET