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All this talk about unlikely odds and low statistics in this thread and a few others causes me concern. I am a conservative, I want little govt, not big govt, and I think our "sue-happy" society is doomed if it doesn't change it ways.

HOWEVER, with all that said, the bottom-line fact is that IF something is defective, or IF something can be made more safe why would you knock it?

I am not saying that the switch in the STs is defective. I am just countering the argument and arguments like: "So what, you are more likely to die from XYZ". Those are moot points. If I paid for a truck or some other product I paid for it to use it, and assume certain risks in using it. That vehicle catching fire when parked in my garage is NOT one of the risks I assumed. That's the difference between the liklihood of other things happening in other activities (like driving to work in the morning, etc)...I know those things are risky, and I accept that risk.

I don't know if it makes a difference what year your ST was or not, but I DID, get a recall notice about 2 weeks ago for my ST for the cruise control, mine ST was built feb 2000, so mine was one of the VERY first ST's built, hhhmmmm? but I haven't had the time to take it in yet,......


I agree about fixing something if it is possibly defective. (But everything is defective to some degree or another so how do you determine if it is defective enough to do a total recall? Then again - that's another discussion...)

But the "odds" posts are in reference to how much someone should or shouldn't worry about their vehicle being one of the ones that catch fire. By all means, get the problem fixed. But until you do get it fixed the chances of it happening are low enough that you shouldn't live in fear. That's all I was trying to say, anyway.

Let it burn... I need a good excuse to go out and buy a new ST. I wonder if it burns up and gets junked will ford still give me the explorer owner loyalty incentive:rolleyes:.

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