best site for satellite images?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2000
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Anyone know where I can get a close up pic of my house from a satellite?

I dont mean like peeking in my window, but closer then a spec.
Thanks. I checked that out. I was hoping for a closer view that was not so grainy.
ok ... on there is a topographical map site. I personally think Google earth is better but maybe your location is more clear through this site. the link is : Good luck
You're probably not going to get a much better resolution picture than Google Earth. The only birds that can zoom in closer for a better picture belong to the military/intelligence community, and they're not going to make them available to the public.
Keyhole was bought by Google, but they have better photos than GoogleEarth. They have a free 7 days trial. I tried it and it WAS better.

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Thanks all.

The last one was really good for my area.:D
If you are seeing a grainy photo on Google then you are looking at outdated photos. Google Earth is and will be the best for the public but some of the more rural areas have not been updated with new technology photos yet. All areas "will" be updated eventually. For a sample of what kind of quality you will get just take a look at an area that is populated and or in the news (New Orleans).
It dont get much more populated then it does in NYC. Thats where I am, very close to LaGuardia Airport.
None of the sites, including Google Earth, are all that well updated. I live in the Twin Cities metro area of Minnesota. On Google Earth, not only isn't my house built, but they haven't even cleared the land that is now my neighborhood. But 25 miles away, I can see that my boat is parked in the driveway of the house I last owned several years ago... :lol:
Speaking of satellite images, for the last couple of days, my local newspaper has carried a two page add for the new 'AT&T' which features a picture of U.S. (and parts of southern Canada) taken from space at night showing all the population center glowing in the dark.

I wonder where I cold find a copy of the that image in electronic format?