Big 3 Upgrade help [PART II]

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Gary Hart

Active Member
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
Please forgive me Todd Z -aka- ADMIN.

But I feel the need to re-open this can of worms, only because "Mustang Guy" seems to feel there may be unsafe/hazardous conditions I've created for myself in my own automobile.

In my previous post asking for some pictorial help with the Big 3 Upgrade...

Outta nowhere comes this "Mustang Guy" whom, after inspecting the photos I posted, then basically made statements to the effect of I've created un-safe hazards in my vehicle in his opinion.

Then the general gist of it was that "JDBoxes" then asked the dude to tell him what exactly he believes I've done in the pics that was soo horrifically unsafe.

The two of them have a little amusing back-and-forth...

Long story shorter... the guy replies by saying buy this book and go take classes.

Personally... if I felt there was something really wrong another person was doing that could cause them bodily harm/death ... I'd bother to tell them what it was and WHY it was. Teach'em HOW TO FISH.... rather than just giving them a fish... that sorta thing. I mean... Karma-wise it's just the right thing to do.

So I'll stand back and say "OK... stuff is wrong? What's wrong? Specifically? How would you make it better?"

(SIDE NOTE: (Sorry... I just HAD o go there...)

Maybe it's just me... but what the heck is up with this guys over-use of funky usenet ALL CAP abbreviations. Such as IMHO and OTOH. I mean, the occasional 1 or 2 I can deal with... whatever... but when you go out of your way to use'em every other sentence it's like What are you trying to prove? What? Are you typing this in from a Web-enabled cellphone or something and you're afraid of tiring your fingers?

I have to do a helluva bunch of typing for my work (software).... but ya don't see me using cheesy little abbreviations left-and-right. Dude... you've got a freakin keyboard... use the damn thing!

Those abbreviations were developed by posters in usenet groups back-in-the-day since there originally were limits to how big the posts could be. That veil has been lifted long-ago brotha... type-away to your hearts content!

You're not impressing anybody by your ability to work soo many of them into one post man... it's actually quite annoying.

It's like that person in business meetings where ya just wanna choke'em out because they over-use the living daylights outta business jargon phrases just to make themselves sound more important than they really are.

Phrases such as "On a go forward basis" Wha...? So... what you're saying is "From now on." So why not just freakin say "From now on" then? ... That sorta thing.)

I have a couple simple rules they are posted on the home page of the site.....

IF you need to vent and i See you did, Then great, But I don't want people attacking others....

IF IT continues i will be forced to take action....

IF you don't like some ones replies, take it with a grain of salt and move on... NO point on going back and fourth, back and fourth...

IT only wastes time, NEVER accomplishes any thing and Can get people Removed from the site..

I hope people will Consider the SOURCE when some one replies and move on.

Todd Z
G Dog, there are experts or those that want to be. Then there are those that cant explain things without critizing. I worked with several critizers. When learning my trade of proccess control intrumentation. Frustration, you betcha!
TheGDog - "Roger that Todd Z... we are reading you loud and clear, over."

I just had to point out those weird things I noticed. I actually re-wrote that post multiple times to make it more.... um... palatable... and less toxic than it's original form.

I'll just fuggedaboutit. :sad: