black 08 with saleen supercharger

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I can see both sides of the argument but I think it's sad if the only way you can tell if you got a good deal or to know what the dealer paid for the truck they're selling you.

Just to many resources out there to help buyers get a fair deal.

You could just look up the trade value and use that as a guide....that's all they are...guides.

I just don't see the guy buying this truck as the guy that's going to worry about pinching pennies together for an extra year....and I don't think the dealer is going to refuse a good offer.
All this from a simple question - jabs everywhere even - i live in Nebraska - the nearest 1/4 strip is more than three hours away (KCI) - when I finally was tuned to its MAX, it was cold out - you are fortunate to have a track that close - driving 3 hours on a 40 degree day to get a non-accurate result to satisfy the forum is not worth the time - in the spring for sure - then you can have fun with my numbers -

It's a car deal for goodness sake - helping a buddy (even an online buddy) is all I suggested in the first place - some folks don't have the working knowlege of this business and my question simply was to ask - now three reasons that someone wants to hide the data - 1) they are the dealer associate and hiding the info is their job = huge gross profit opportunity or 2) the dollar given for true market value or ACV is too low and it would be looked at by the forum that you got taken by the dealer - which would open the door for some ribbing so i understand that - most dealers would take an item like that and mark it up $3k - $5k and hope for the best and discount accordingly when needed - if this is where you feel that I crossed the "inappropriate line" then i am sorry - looking out for a potential buyer here was the only thought in mind, not to ruffle feathers or to get the conversation turned to who is faster based on time slips. No one asked your rate, term, credit score or anything - simple math that can easily get distorted by anyone not in the business - price of new car - less trade = difference + payoff equals balance - the trade can be skewed by thousands that includes hidden rebates, over allowance, and dealer discount - The dealer assigned a wholesale value to your car (probably didnt tell you what it was and left you with an over allowance to make you feel good) no harm no foul - all this emotion over a question - and why - because maybe i was curious what a modifed beast like yours actually did in a dealer's hand - good property, weak property, or average property - I get it, no one wants to see what they were given $20K for and see it sold or advertised for $25K - its unsettling - i know 3) you don't know -

Some dealers use this opportunity to tell someone trading in a ST that "well mr customer, this will be hard to get rid of since Ford stopped makeing the ST so the value is near worthless" Another dealer might say that they have to give a low figure to protect them incase the buyer needs it returned to stock, so they had to "hold on the value" because they didnt want to get burned by buying all stock parts to get rid of it - just questions

This is just as silly as asking your neighbor what the got out of his house "net" and admitting that he paid 7% - 9% in commision fee's that came out of hard worked equity...and the neighbor can't answer - people looking out for people is something that is missing in todays climate -
Who cares how much a dealer/seller makes on a sale. Profit is not a bad word. If you know how much or little a dealership has in a car, do you really think it will get you a better deal? I dont think so. Current market value decides what someone pays for a car- If the price is too much, one can be found cheaper. I sold cars for a number of years and I buy cars like everyone else. I do my research, if its too much, I make a realistic offer. The dealership/seller decides what they will sell it for, not the other way around. Example: My dealership took in a Overland Jeep, I bought it for over $3500 more than they took it in for. Why? Because the selling price was was STILL a great deal compared to every other comparable Jeep within 1000miles.

Nobody gets hypnotized or tricked when buying or trading in a car. They decide on their own and agree or walk away. If it's a fair deal to the buyer, what the dealership makes does not matter.

Im sure the guy took a hit trading in a modified vehicle- you never get back what you put in, Unless it's a house. I respect the man's privacy and decision to keep HIS deal to HIMSELF.

What we pay for gas/oil & electricity on the other hand is where we are being taken advantage of.
Yeah, my truck\track comment at the end was kind of lame. Just an odd way to change the subject at the end of being put in a defensive position. It sounds like if things aren't perfect getting to or at the track, now or in the spring there will be some explanation by someone. No need to satisfy the forum, I did (good numbers or bad), and with some good natured ribbing for me to get there. I went to the track to have fun regardless of outcome, and I'm glad I did. Didn't mean to sound boastful.

If I hadn't already stated what I wasn't going to share info, then I doubt I would have wigged out. Unfortunately the person who decided to ask that silly, or simple (or whatever 's' word you want to use) question was going to get some of my wrath and an inference for the need for improved manners. Doubt that it had an impact. It was good to vent though.

The explanation and car buying\selling teaching lingo had me a little perplexed and seemed slightly misguided regardless of intent with an apology in the middle. I have been buying and selling cars for many years. I don't think the fundamentals are really quite that complicated. A couple of members helped clarify the key points to provide better benefit to others.

Trac-Trac... I appreciate 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of your post, thanks man.

Carey... thanks.

Well, this wasn't the way I wanted to leave this forum. I'll try to behave over on the Fusion forum, and not be so darn sensitive. :grin:

Best wishes to those that have made MYST a positive experience. Todd Z. and company, thanks. :supercool:

So long.

I dont see you as being sensative. Outside of updating us about the the trac.

I also think you had the right to not divulge financial issues.

I also am the type of person that anything financial is my bussiness.

I will divulge the financial if I choose to. Not when prodded to. It is private.

Please dont go away upset. Hang with us when you can. You are a walking world of performance trac info....

God Bless
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Good God I just remembered why I haven't come to this site in about 2 years. The guy only asked why he wouldn't divulge the price. He didn't beat him over the head about it. To ramble on and on and on about how rude the person is because he simply asked the question.... I'm speechless. Check your water for dioxin dude ! see you guys in another 2 years !

Look at a stock 08 ST pricing and make a offer. The supercharger is free when used and at a dealer.
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