Bon Jovi can still rock the house!

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Bill V

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Brooklyn Park, MN
My wife and I went to the Bon Jovi concert in St. Paul, MN, last night. Great floor seats, about 10 rows back. Man, can those guys still deliver an incredible show!!!

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Although the band before them was a very odd juxtaposition. They were a rock group called "440". (Or maybe "Four 40", or who knows what. It was pronounced, "Four Forty".) Anyway, the lead singer/guitarist was this guy who looked and sounded a lot like Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler"--aging, course voice, muscled, weathered, dressed like a stereotypical Harley rider, guitar hanging down to around his groin level, etc. And then the lead guitarist was this guy who looked like the bastard love child of Kyle Gass (of Jack Black's band "Tenacious D") and Todd Zabbia. Balding, heavy set, a button-down collared full-sleeve untucked shirt, guitar held up at chest level with the neck angled up at a 45 degree angle and the strap causing his shirt to bunch up on his sides such that everyone is getting an unintended glimpse of his classic tighty-whities, etc. It was one of the oddest things I've seen in a long, long time.....
We saw them a couple of years ago and couldn't agree more. They were great and we were way up in the balconies.
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Great pics Bill V. Must have shot them using a high end digital SLR.

My 12 MP point and shoot has the rez, not the optical zoom quality.

Amazing how "clean" bodies and minds extend careers.

They were in Honolulu less than a month ago, and still shred.

How Aerosmith, Eagles, Stones, etc. pulled it off, is puzzling. LOL
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Nope, not an SLR. A 10MP Canon PowerShot SX10IS. Which has a built in 20x optical lens. By dumb luck, my wife and I had a professional photographer sitting in the seats next to us, so during the opening act, he spent a lot of time teaching us how to use the camera we've had for over a year. So we set the ISO high, the aperature long, and the F stop low, zoomed in close, and got a ton of results like this. Who knew this camera had that capability??? Before sitting next to the photographer, my wife and I barely knew what half those terms even meant!
Encore. If anything, in your library, at least temporarily. Good stuff. Thanks. :supercool:
Not tonight--it's 1:45 a.m. here, I'm going to bed. But if I don't get something in the next few days, please be sure to remind me... :)
None of those bands "shred".

What do you mean "clean" bodies and minds? These guys can't die--they're preserved by all the drugs and booze they've consumed over the years.

Never was much of one for rock, but Slippery when Wet was alright, and that one thing on Crush was alright too. Other than that, Bon Jovi was forgettable to me.

Though I'm surprised that you say they put on a good show; so many older bands have just failed playing live today. If I was a PTSD believer, I'd say I have it over the ZZ Top @ the Preakness, or The Who at the superbowl (shudder)....

KL- No comment.
swshawaii, just an update...

I haven't forgot to post more pics, per your request. However--shortly after posting these, either my wife or I lost the memory card. Unless it turns up, the only things we have are the few shots we e-mailed to friends directly off the card.

Worse yet, the card also had photos from a recent vacation and my son's 4th birthday. Fortunately, my wife had uploaded many of the best photos from those two events to Snapfish, so we can print those, but she didn't bother to put them on the hard drive at that time, but still, there's a lot of stuff that's missing... :cry:

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