Bonus day...

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Had to inform everyone of their bonuses today. First time I have been one of the people handing them out. Nice feeling to be able to reward folks for their efforts. Too bad nearly half will go to taxes.
No bonuses for me ever, but my wife gets a couple bonuses a year and it almost makes you cry to see how much of it goes to taxes.
Technical design. I work for an energy services company. Steam generation, mostly for the utility industry. We're one of the reasons your electric bill sucks. :D
Yeah thanks for that electric bill mine is running about 30% higher now compared to this time last year. Of course if the people here would stop voting down the wind power projects, the natural gas terminal, and the power plant maybe would could get some relief. Supposed to be a serious look into building a tidal energy project here soon too, but Im sure that will get voted down too because it might kill a fish.

Sorry for the vent just the electric bill has been irritating me lately.
Our news hasn't been all roses lately either. Texas Utilites ordered 8 supercritical boilers from us about a year ago. Billion dollar order. They planned to shut down some of their less efficient units when these went on-line. The new units were to have all the latest emissions equipment and the net result according to TXU would have been a 20% reduction in emissions. Several environmental groups got involved and after all the political wrangling TXU canceled the entire order and they are now being bought out by some investment firms. Contractually they still have to pay for the engineering work and materials that have been supplied to this point. Net result is their customers got screwed. :(

Do you work in Barberton, OH or that big company that is based out of Barberton?

Yes, both. Well, actually the corporate offices for the parent company are in Houston but the division I work for is in Barberton.
According the the Detroit News, Ford is handing out bonuses to all employees today. Nothing huge, between $300 and $800 per employee as recognition for cost reduction activities. The article talks about Ford trying to change the culture there.

Damn Tom, smaller world than I would have ever guessed. I knew you were from Akron but I didn't think we worked for the same company! :D
Yes we do.

We need to get together sometime. I work for NOD, formally NED. You know what that means.

Tom, yeah I know. I won't mention anything about a certain island...:D

I work in the Tusc building. I drive by the shops on 2nd St twice a day. Since they built the new bridge on Robinson its actually quicker for me to go to work that way. I live southwest of Barberton, not far from Rt 21. You might see my ST around 4:30-5:00 PM daily on 2nd.
I am at work by 3:30 PM and I don't leave until 11:30 PM. I would never see your Trac while you are driving through that area.


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