Brake master cylinder

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Titusville, FL
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Yeah, I know... I have been asking a lot of question lately. You would think after owning this truck for 15 years I should be an expert.

Want to think about replacing the brake master cylinder. I have been warned from multiple sources "do not do it because ABS". I get it, air in the ABS is not good and can require a trip to the shop to have a special bleed done.

Is it guaranteed that if I replace the master cylinder it will happen?

My thought process... bench bleed and prep new master cylinder. Be fast, remove brake lines and cap them. Remove old, install new. Be fast again, remove caps from lines and hook them up.

If air gets in, are the alternatives to "special" bleed procedure with ABS cycling machine true?...
1) Find sand, go... stomp brakes, repeat. Head home and re-bleed at wheels.
2) Force fluid back up through the system from the wheels until no more air bubbles come out of master cylinder. (Clean fluid after a full flush, of course)

Sorry my posts are so long.
So, nobody has replaced the brake master cylinder? Darn.
Looks like I will be replacing the booster also. It is leaking where the master cylinder is mounted and has totally destroyed the mounting bolts to the point that if I try to remove it they are going to crumble.
Its slow here.... I have done many.... the way you said is fine... you can also bleed it at the master lines like you would at the caliper, and to be safe you can follow that hose to the abs body and bleed there.... that's it.... should be good..

BUT you can also do normal bleeds. I lost a tire and it was broken for weeks.... Bleed it and Im all good.

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