Bush: Troops to Stay in Iraq for Years

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It don't say what kind of troops will stay. In a few years the troops that still will be there will be supply and infrastructure related. Right now the Iraqi army is functioning ok, and they are getting better as more of them come online. remember we are retraining an entire army from the old soviet style monolith system of centralized command to a Western based fighting system, that takes time. they are doing more of the fighting, but they are being resupplied by the U.S. their supply situation is still horrible, so they depend on us for the *beans and bullets*. We had troops in Germany for 50+ years after WWII, and they are still there, as is Korea. so the statement that there will be troops in Iraq for several more years is a realistic statement.

Have a good one


An Army Vet*Hooraaah*[Broken External Image]:
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We're in Germany, Japan, Korea, plus several places in South America. What's your point? I've been over twice and would go back again.

Quit listening to the news and find vets who have been there to get the real story. Yes, there are problems but it's not nearly at the same level as the news would have you believe. It's terrible that people are dying over there, but it's also pretty pathetic that we have 8x the Total KIA rate in the US with our yearly murder rate or 9x the Total KIA rate with deaths resulting from drunk driving each year. Whose to say that everyone one of these KIA victems would not have perished in another way here in the USA?

Considering I used three year KIA totals versus single year 2004 numbers, the actual likelihood of dying here would be at least double the rates if you made year by year comparision.

There's all the BS now about no WMD's, no terror link, etc. But, people forget the truth. The UN Oil or Food program was rife with corruption and it is known that millions of dollars from that fund were funneled to people in Saddam's regime with ties to Hamas, Al-Qaieda, etc. The money can't be traced, so no one can say it didn't end up playing a part in the 9/11 attacks. We know he was giving Hamas suicide bombers families $25k for a job well done. We know he killed 1.3 million people with WMD's in his war with Iran plus his attack on his own people and this doesn't count his ruthless killing of his political opposition (real or percieved).



No different than any other country we occupy either after helping them or fighting them....

Just the way it is done.
Funny, we had a whole lot less reasons to send troops to Bosnia and no one in the media was bitching about it or protesting the war. Oh wait, a Democrat was President then so that makes it different. :rolleyes:
We need to be there as long as it takes, period, amen.

Did the lefties learn nothing from Somalia (which we are still in , BTW... funny thing is that Somalia is closer to a quagmire than Iraq has ever been)? We pull out a majority of our forces and you think sectarian violence is bad now....
Larry, I don't how you deciphered that brief comment I posted, but I am a veteran of the Viet Nam war and know all about being in a war. My interpretation of my comment is that we (US Army) are in hell (war in Iraq) in a handbasket (surrounded by a host of hostile factions) no matter how you look at the war. So, it's like being surrounded by your enemies (radical Muslim Nations) and that is why I said it that way. I support a necessary war, Larry, BUT there has to be an exit strategy somewhere in there. Otherwise, it becomes HELL inside that war zone (basket).

I am not defending what I said, just keeping it in laymen's term. JMO as a VETERAN!

I equate this war a lot to what we (militia) did to the British during our independance. It's a "new" way of fighting. Adapt and proceed. We still have lost fewer soldiers in three years than we did on 9/11.

Wasn't it the media that said we would lose 50,000 soldiers in gas attacks and such? How can they possibly complain about less than 2,300 deaths??

That represents 2300 deaths---each one leaving behind a family that will be scarred for eternity--Each symbol represents someone like your brother, your sister, your mom, your dad, your son, your daughter---War IS hell isn't it?
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Tonka Truc says:
That's not bad considering the moron we have as a commander in chief. He's not losing any sleep over it I bet. I hope those 2300 souls find a way to haunt that ******* the rest of his miserable life. Maybe a nice slow cancer death would be a fitting reward for GWB--Are you listening god/buddha/karma/chicken little/whatever?

Moron, "not losing sleep", *******, hope he is a haunted, miserable life, wishing cancer...

Wow, Tonka, so eloquent in one thread, so hate filled and vitriolic in another.

Once the dialogue turns to personal attacks against the "other side" with name calling and hate, nothing constructive can result.

I wish not 1 soldier died. I don't (didn't) think this war was necessary. But I am not ready to mudsling at the president. I still support him, and I even support that we went to war, because at the time, everyone (most) that help make the call agreed it had to be done.

Edit: removed my own post to avoid offending fellow trac'ers--I apologize. Time to refill the Prozac evidently:)
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Tonka, I don't HATE anyone. Hate's an emotion and a reaction. We can choose to react in hate, and when we do, it says more about us than those who we direct those emotions towards.
One of my sons is 24 & the other is 20. I'd hate to think what it would be like to lose one of them. I think of the parents that have lost a loved one in (any) war (or by any means). I dont know how they cope with a loss like that.
Tonka says:

One of my sons is 24 & the other is 20. I'd hate to think what it would be like to lose one of them. I think of the parents that have lost a loved one in (any) war (or by any means). I dont know how they cope with a loss like that.

Well for the past 30 years, and for the forseeable future, we have had a volunteer Army. So, to any parent that lost a child in a war since Vietnam, I feel for them and their grief, but at the same time, I ask that they remember their child's sacrifice and choice to serve.
