We're also in Sacramento. We like it because we're an hour, or so, from the ocean and an hour, or so, from the mountains. Heck, the last time it snowed here was thirty years ago, and that was only a few inches, plus it was the only time I have ever seen it snow here in 50+ years.
hahaha... I love how every one of Krash's posts has his mustang attached to it... I don't blame him... shes a beauty... and he keeps rubbing it in... hahaha
And I am just a little further south in O.C. That sure was some 'storm' we had a few days ago, wasn't it? ...NOT! About to go out now and wash down the patio and driveway. In my shorts. LOL
I thought about your post D, and it hit me... I spent 20 years in Chicago, dealing with that lousy weather. And now that I'm a 'left coaster', I've waited 25 years to own a nice convertible sports car that I could drive around in during the winter months. And I don't mean to 'rub it in' so to speak, but as we say in Tahoe, "I'm LTD, baby!" (Livin' The Dream!) Just 'California Dreamin' in my California Special. I KNOW what it is that I'm missing... And it IS nice to once again have a car that people nod and tell you 'nice ride!' all the time, so forgive me while I show off the new ride just a wee bit...
Soon, maybe the MUCH NEEDED rains will come, the 75 degree days will be gone, winter will finally be with us, and the Mustang will get to see the inside of a garage for a couple of months, as originally intended... And I can get some work done! lol