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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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All Over the East Coast,
When detailing the Trac, I discovered this ... stuff. I thought it was sap. I used Goo Gone to no avail, which is surprising because it almost always removes lighter saps. I then tried Mineral Spirits, which iood for harder saps. No luck. At this point, I do not even know if it is sap. I also tried ice, since thicker saps can be frozen and when becoming brittle, chip off. I ended up washing the chemicals off and spot-waxing the area where I stripped the wax.

When rubbing it, it has a rough texture (distinct from the clearcoat). I do not believe the clearcoat is bubbling. The area is no larger than a pinky fingernail, despite the photo's appearance of a larger area. It's not a horrible mark, but enough that if I can remove it, I'd like to do that.

Any ideas? I do not want to take rubbing compound to it because I will have to repair far larger of an area that the sap. I'm not in a rotary buffer mood, especially since I will have to focus the effort on a 1/2 inch by 3/4 inch (or less) area.

[Broken External Image]:

Maybe I just need a new Trac. :D
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Looks like the front bumper. Could it be bug guts? I couldn't tell you how to remove it since I leave the bug guts on it for the summer.

It does look like bug guts to me as well.

Try some WD-40 or another penetrate type fluid. Once it starts to break down wash that area very well with lots of soapy water to get the penetrate fluid off the vehicle.
I parked under a pine tree and had some bad tree sap spots. I tried everything nothing would remove it. So, thinking it was sticky I tried "Rapid Remove" which is a citrus based vinyl decal remover I use to, of course, remove decals. Took it off in about 5 mins. You can buy it at any Sign Supply store. Sometimes they have small 5 0z bottles for 6.00 or you have to buy the 32 oz bottle which is 28.00. Now I don't know what is on your ST so no guarantees it will work.
I have had a bug kill like that before. Thank goodness not on my trac but it did take alot to get it off. And mine was on the windshield. The wipers would just bounce over the guts and not clean them off. I guess it is the bugs way of getting even for being smashed out of the air by a vehicle.
Thanks for the suggestions, folks.

Since I don't have immediate access to Rapid Remove, but will once I return to Philly, I am going to try another application of mineral spirits tomorrow. I don't think I gave it enough time to get through the substance.

Here's hoping for the best.

Gas seems to be the solve-all for problems. I use it to remove tar, stubborn bugs, etc. Yeah, I know it's not exactly not great to use it on paint, but a quick rub followed by a thorough wash never hurt anyone. Yet.

TRACket Paul, thanks for the suggestion. Because I assumed it was sap, I never really considered gas. However, after another unsuccessful attempt with mineral spirits, gas did the trick.

Others, thanks for the insight. Rob, I will be picking up a small bottle of Rapid Remove soon for stubborn sap.

My only complaint, and it is no one's fault, is that whatever the hell it was, it stained the paint. In other words, though the surface is as smooth as glass, in the right light, you can see the outline of where it was. It'll have to be buffed someday, but not soon. I simply spot washed the area with Zaino Z7 and reapplied Zaino Z5, Z5 (two coats), Z2, and Z8 (to be in key with what I did to the rest of the Trac two days ago). It looks as good as it can, and is as smooth as a waxed baby's behind.

Again, thanks all.