Carefull what you might get prosecuted

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
See the link.....

BTW..the nations supreme court, anounced today. That if you are arrested. The police have the right to take a swab of your DNA, for a national data base. This even before indicted or convicted or released uncharged.

What hapened to the 4th and 5th admenment??
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Life just keeps getting better. The damage this administration is doing will never be repaired. There is no recovery possible.

"The people that work for a living are outnumbered by the people that vote for a living."
For years now, if you got stopped by the police in some jurisdictions, they'd have you place your thumb on a sensor on their squad car computer to instantaneously compare you to the international fingerprint database. Most places don't do that, but there's nothing stopping them. A DNA swab is no different and that's they way the Supreme Court saw it.

Has nothing to do with the president.
Im starting to wonder, Who won WW2. The free man or the nazi's........

Something strange is catching up to us. I thiink most dont see it. It is very subtle.

Im 63 and, in the 70's. I warned some old and young. The constitution would come under attack in 30yrs or so. Most told me I was a crazy thinker.

All I could say was research your canidates and vote. But that still wont stop it. It is human nature to want to control. It is a choice to control. Only the things that do not compromise the freedoms, we have. So much that sounds good, is not. We might just make ourselves a police state. out of fear or what you dont like. Backfires'........
The DNA case had a lots to do with the president and his agenda.

Last year, Congress passed the Katie Sepich Enhanced DNA Collection Act, which President Obama signed and supported.

The President "openly" supported the Act and establishment of a federal DNA database. Most likely the Justice Department filed brief supporting the DNA case.

With the implementation of Obama Care (affordable care act) it is a short step to a nationwide DNA database within the federal government. Did I mention that this will be run by the Internal Revenue Service.


Well I guess now you can legally stick out your tongue at a police officer...:bwahaha:

If the Act was so bad, why did Boehner and pals pass it?

That answer would have to come from who trusts him also.........There is a bunch from both parties I would indict....
If the Act was so bad, why did Boehner and pals pass it?

Bipartisan vote of 357-32, why, because it was a good bill. It gave money to the States to establish DNA data bases. Why did Obama support it, because his administration wanted to expand the Federal DNA database. Look at the expansion of numbers since 2009. The old unit running it was disbanded and a new unit established. Why?

I have no trouble with the use of the database to solve crimes, or with the DNA being taken from a suspect, with a warrant, or from every convicted felon. I do have a problem with it being taken from a routine traffic stop or a everyday encounter.

I have a lots of trouble with it being used to determine if I get a operation or not under Obama Care.
I agree that the DNA bill just passed is probably a good thing as long as it is used correctly. I think it should be used for any arrest-able offense, but NOT for traffic tickets or minor misdemeanors that are currently handled with a citation.

My concern is that DNA testing is still very, very expensive and will require more taxpayer dollars. As taxpayers, we are already paying too much in taxes and fees for things where the money gets misdirected. I fear this will be just another excuse to raise taxes, or charge more in fees for political pork.

The Federal Government does not have enough money to pay for DNA testing for everyone arrested for a serious crime, or to maintain this huge database, so they will parcel out some money to the states every year and by the time the money reaches your local law enforcement agency it will be used to buy coffee for the Police Department, or for new tires on some of the police cars....Just like what has happened to all the tax money and vehicle registration fees that is supposed to go towards fixing roads and bridges.

I find it interesting that most of the people complaining about the Supreme Court ruling on DNA collection are staunchly conservative--yet the only conservative on the Court who dissented on the ruling was Scalia, and his dissent was supported by liberals Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan. All the other Court conservatives voted in favor of allowing the DNA collection.
The sad thing is that most of the voters are ambivalent or they are fine with how things are going.

Personal rights and liberties are being lost everyday. You no longer have the right to privacy. You no longer have the right to be free from random government harassment. You no longer have the right to protect yourself from others or from the government.

This country has gone to hell and no one cares.
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There is zero reason for the government to have access to my DNA for any reason other than solving a crime in which I am a suspect. What could be more personal and private than my genetic code? How does the government have a right to that information without due process?

This country...:sad: