changed my oil pressure switch today!

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Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Waterloo, ONT
yup read on here about the cold affecting the old one and had all thre same symptons so i changed it. Thanks guys for all the advice on here as it was exactly where you guys said it would be and i took the front tire off and changed it. The big investment thru Ford was a whole $17.45 here in Canada.

Keep up the good work guys and now i cant wait for the cold freezing weather to see if it works......ok i can wait lol
I am assuming that the problem was the pressure guage not moving right away when it is cold out. I have that problem and I assumed it was the guage. It takes a good 2-4 minutes to pop up not only when it's cold, but just chilly as well. Would that be the oil pressure switch??? Sounds easy to do, was it???


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