Charlotte, NC

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ChrisP Riley

Active Member
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
Just wondering if there is any members here that are from Charlotte? Also are there any events close to here to attend? Later, Chris:cool:
Hi Chris

I live one town to the west of Charlotte, but work near the airport. I thought someone was getting a meet together at Concord Mills, but I think that person ended up moving out of state. The LaRue's have a meet in Sumter every year (I haven't made it to that one yet due to scheduling conflicts, but hope to. Lots of Tracs in our area, but I don't know about members of this site. Take it easy.

Hello Chris

I have just relocated to the Charlotte area and would like to meet with other Trac owners.

I am from Miami and we organized mini meets on the fourth weekend of every month. It would be a good way for members to meet each other and exchange ideas if we could follow the same monthly ritual. That way even the members with busy schedules would have an opportunity at some point to make it to a meet.[Broken External Image]:
Ok guys this sounds good to me. Maybe we all can meet at Hooters? :D If able,lol. I live in South Charlotte also off Hwy 51 near Johnston Rd. Let me know what you guys think!! Later , Chris
Sounds great!!! Maybe the last weekend in August. What would be a good location? We need to post the info on the regular spot trac board once we agree on a meeting spot because everyone does not check the events board. There are alot of Tracs in Charlotte and I would like a nice turn out.
I am up for whatever. Just let me know what you think would be a good place to meet? Deos Hooters on South Blvd. sound good to anyone else? If so just le me know. Later on, Chris:cool:
Hooters on S. Blvd. sounds good with me. Last weekend in August works for me, unless I'm at the motocross track that weekend. Chris honk if you see a black ST w/ one of those oval stickers on the back window w/ (JH) on it, Jackson Hole.

Well i think 7pm will be the best for me on Friday night on the last weekend of August. If this is good for everyone else? Billy i look for you and i never see ya. Well with the way gas prices are i mostly go to work and home. Too much to go anywhere lately. Knoc also let me know too ok and anyone else who has a S/T. Guess i need to clean mine some but the rain doesn't help! Later on, Chris:cool:
oops............i hit the reply button too soon....anywho.........i live in south carolina, and since i see no-one else on the event board from south-cac-a-lacky......i just thought i'd holla at u guys. However i won't be able to make it up there this weekend.........but i was wondering was any of you guys going to tha swap meet at tha racetrack on the 17th of Sep.......maybe some of us could meet up then.

Hey beufort! None of us went to Hooters:( But anyway,lol..I want beable to go to the track. My B-Day is that day and i will be getting into some kind of trouble. I will be the BIG 30!!! So maybe we can all plan for another meet and hopefully it will happen this time. Any ideas from you guys will be great. Well time to get..Later on:cool:
aight..........anybody got any suggestions know where to put it!

and btw......happy early b-day Chris.........just turned 25 myself......
Thanks beufort! i tried to get up some members here but no luck so i will leave it up to someone else. I am avaliable whenever i think?LOL just let me know. Later, Riley :cool:

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