Close call Semi Truck (Tractor Trailer)

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Josh Langel

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
Ft. Pierce, FL
Today was pretty insane.

I now have a few scratches in my driver side mirror--- thanks to a wonderful lady.

So, I was on the interstate (3 lanes) and driving in the center lane. There was a tractor trailer to my left and a car to my right. So, as I am passing by the car it decides to start moving over. I blow my horn and begin to break, but I had to swerve [ a little]. BAM!! The driver side mirror smashes into my window (scaring the hell out of me) and the car moves back into its lane. As I pass the woman looks at me in a real hateful way (WHILE talking on her cell phone).

Go figure.

Be careful out there, ya'll. I about had a smashed truck (or worse, an accident).

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main thing is there should be a law (as if we need another one )against driving under the influence of a cell phone
Roy both NY and CT have hands free phone use only while driving. It has nothing to do with the phone itself. These people are just plain stupid and shouldn't be driving at all.
I have on the back of my ST window "Hang Up and Drive" decal. If anyone wants one just let me know they are free except for cost of shipping.

I've passed out about 500+ decals so far at a bunch of car shows.

2300+ accidents in 2001 in California alone caused by people using cell phone while driving.

Use a headset if your going to talk on the phone.

I also registered the other day. The web site will be up and running in a few weeks.
The IIHS studies have shown it isn't holding the phone that causes accidents, it is the conversation on the phone that does.

Using Hands Free systems doesn't fix the problem.


You are so right.

It does NOT have to do with the fact that your hand is disengaged.

It DOES have to do with the fact that YOUR BRAIN IS DISENGAGED!!!!!!!!


The Darwyn award goes to..................................

David <><
Glad your safe. :)

From reading the post I probably would have titled it;

"Close call Idiot lady in four wheeler"

What did the Semi - 18 wheeler have to do with it?

Just an observation from a truck driver. ;)

We have the hands free law in Wisconsin and it does nothing to stop idiots. I thought I was going to get it Thursday. A nut decided to pass a semi...on the right and in the not so cleanly plowed lane. About the time he got even with the cab of the semi, he hydroplaned and turned sideways. If he'd cut in front of the semi, he'd have been tossed into the oncoming lane (that would have been me!). Fortunately, his car darted to right and he ended up on the shoulder of the road and in a ditch.
Ahh, I see that now thanks. :blink:

Maybe titled ;

Crazy lady on phone ran me into semi truck...

Sorry, I can be sensitive about big truck safety issues... :eek:

hamradioextra - talking on the phone without a headset means you have one less hand on the wheel and an object in your ear that makes your head not straight watching the traffic. Sure you brain is not focused but I've never had a problem talking to the passenger in the car and driving because my eyes are looking forward. I see cell phone uses hold the phone with their ear and shoulder all the time. They are not focused at all on the road ahead which causes them to drive like they are drunk.
I've never had a problem talking to the passenger in the car and driving because my eyes are looking forward

This is because the passenger is aware of the surroundings and will realize when to shut up when things are looking bad on the road. The person on the other end of the phone converstation has no idea what things are like when you are driving your car.

Maybe if they would make tractor trailers out of rubber, then I wouldn't have this problem.

But seriously, I never said anything about it being the truck drivers fault.
Some one say Hands free????

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