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Clay Campbell

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Shelby, NC
A girl friend of mine drives an 04 2wd trac and when she came to give me a ride home last night it was smoking really bad. we left it and took mine but when I opened it up to see what was goin on I realized that apparently coolant is leaking pretty good from the top front of the engine. Like right under the throttle body area. I believe it is coolant because of the smell and the fact that the coolant bottle was filled friday and is now almost empty. This happened to anyone else. Any ideas on the likely cause or what part would be leaking. To me it looks like its leaking out of the intake manifold on the drivers side. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Edit: I searched a bit and from reading it is making me think it could be the T-stat housing. On friday she was driving down the highway and the temp went all the way up so she pulled over and when the cops got there to help her there wasn't any coolant. She drove it to the closest store and they filled it up for her. since then the temp has been normal but the coolant is leaking badly. I can see where it has sprayed out with some velocity on top of the engine.
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Sounds like the thermostat housing

Link below shows how to replace it, but also can help you verify it's from the same spot.
A girl friend??? How many do you have.. LOL

It could be a hose issue right on top of the intake at the T-State housing. Could be the T-Stat housing and or the seal (O-ring) for the housing it self.

Also, I believe it is a two piece assembly, thus more locations to seal from.

If you take it to a local shop, they can attach a tool to the radiator and input air pressure which will force the leak to shop up as long as it is not a heat related issue such as a crack that opens only when it is hot for example.

I believe AutoZone will loan you the tool to do so on your own if you would like to see the leak yourself.
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housing or there is a hose connected to the bottom of the thermostat. I have had both leak on me but the thermostat was a small leak, the hose cracked and coated the front of the engine compartment in fluid big mess.

I would stat it and look for the leak, shouldn't be to hard to find.

hope that helps,
