Coolant question

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Mike Roncarati

Active Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Wilbraham, MA
I was at the dealer to have some noises checked out last week, and they reccomended a coolant flush (not having to do with the noise, of course). The coolant was crappy so I had them go ahead and flush the system. Well I checked it the other day and the resevoir was bone dry, engine hot and cold. Did they put enough anti-freeze in??? I'm used to seeing some in the resevoir. It's going back Tuesday to have some parts replaced and I was wondering if it's worth mentioning.

Thanks, as always!
Yep. I would have them check. They either didn't put enough in or there is a leak somewhere. From the lack of you mentioning seeing puddles of coolent under your ST, I would say they short-changed you on the fluid.;)
With the truck cold you can check the level in the rad.... what happened is they did not compensate for expansion and contraction in the fluid and never added extra to the overflow, IT more than likely is full, but it sucked the extra in to get rid of air...

Have them top you off and recheck the rad level..

Todd Z

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