Crazy weather in July

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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If you didn't know better you might think this was early May. It rains like the dickens for 10-30 minutes then the sun comes out for two hours. Then it repeats the same cycle and this has been going on for a few days now. Rain, sunshine, rain, sunshine. I'm sure the farmers are loving this but my grass is out of control.
We can't catch a break here in Georgia as I'm sure many others are experiencing. I've been working six, sometimes seven days a week since April and often 12+ days straight or so it seems. The grass is out of control. I have about 4 acres to cut and I try to help with my in-laws who have 10ish acres (well, a lot more but mostly wooded or fields cut with the tractor) . When I am off, it's raining. I did cut some grass today after work (my yard and the front lawn of my in-laws') before I got it stuck in what looked like grass along the edge of the creek but was actually just mud with greenery on top. As soon as I got stuck, the storm rolled in. I do mean immediately after getting stuck. I got off the mower, went to get the truck and the bottom fell out. And so the mower sits...:banghead:
I live in PA and don't remember too many summers with this much rain. Haven't bothered to take my jetski out at all this year. Normally my yard is dead and brown by now with the only green being the weeds, this year it's still green and growing like crazy.
Our east texas weather has been weird. We were having winter weather during spring. Now we have been having our august heat wave since june.

I wonder how hot august will be? Or will we have an early winter...:bwahaha:

Be glad to get rid of the triple digits with this high humidity.

Here in Central Texas we set several record low temps and during the day it didn't even get up to 80 degrees....and that's in July when a cold spell means it only got up to 98-99 degrees..LOL That was all about about 10 days ago...temperatures have been creeping back up to the high 90's and should be back to the 100's by this weekend?

Even stranger is that we had 3 days of rain for about a total of 3-5 inches, and generally we rarely ever get rain in July or August. If it does rain when it's so hot, it actually evaporates before it hits the ground....I never heard of that except here in CenTex.

Really weird weather here this year

I think we give ourselves way too much credit for being able to alter nature. One good volcano would wipe out all the effort we have made to reduce our dependence on things like fossil fuels. In the meantime we have destroyed good paying jobs and the lives of the people who depended on those jobs. And don't get me started on the Keystone Pipeline fiasco. :smack:
There was a recent article I saw (but didn't read) about the CIA funding research into altering weather. I'd dig it up, but I obviously didn't care enough to read it then. For anyone initiated, it's out there somewhere on the Interwebs.
blksn8k said:
I think we give ourselves way too much credit for being able to alter nature. One good volcano would wipe out all the effort we have made to reduce our dependence on things like fossil fuels. In the meantime we have destroyed good paying jobs and the lives of the people who depended on those jobs. And don't get me started on the Keystone Pipeline fiasco. :smack:

Well said.
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I think the article that blksn8k is referring may be the same article I read years ago, that said "A single volcano eruption like the Mt. Pinatubo volcano that erupted in the Philippines back in 1991, can spewed out far more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than mankind has since our existence on earth" !!

BTW: The Mt. Pinatubo volcano was the second largest volcanic eruption in the 20th century.

Most rational scientist believe that global warming and the climate change is being caused by the oceans warming, and nearly all scientist agree that the oceans are getting warmer.

The Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanic hot spots under the earths crust at the bottom of the oceans where the crust is closest to the hot molten core and formed underwater volcanos. When a hot spot occurs close to a thinner part of the crust the heat is transferred to the ocean and can dramatically alter our weather patterns. I'm sure you have heard a lot about El Ninos (bands of warm ocean water) that play a huge part in the changes in our weather patterns.

Scientist believe that El Ninos are formed by ocean currents moving colder water to the bottom of the oceans and warmer water moving up... So, what is making the water at the bottom of the oceans warmer??? Duh, it's volcanic hot spots that is heating the ocean water and that is triggering the convection currents to cycle the warmer water upward and creating El Ninos...and that results in weather changes and global warming.

More than 70% of the CO2 in the atmosphere comes from the evaporation of the oceans and the warmer the oceans, the more the oceans evaporate and the more CO2 is released into the atmosphere.

Al Gore was right about the link between Global Warming and CO2 in the atmosphere, however he got it all backwards.... Higher levels of CO2 is not causing global warming, it's the warming of the oceans that is increasing the CO2. But then he could not blame mankind for the warming of the oceans could he??

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Yes that is true....I'm sure he made a lot of money from his misguided movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" that attempts to make appear that mankind is the cause of global warming and that we humans can do anything about it. I think a lot of people are making a lot of money on all this Global Warming, Greenhouse gas, Carbon Footprint, crap.

The Earth has endured all the volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, meteor strikes, and numerous dramatic climate changes over the past 4 Billion years and has done it very well. Nearly 90% of all the animal species that ever existed on Earth are extinct and someday, humans will probably be extinct...especially if we are so arrogant to think we can fix mother Earth. We had nothing to do with any of the global climate changes of the past, and it's foolish to think we can control any future climate changes.

We are an arrogant species are we not? I've said it before that it is incredibly arrogant to think we could "kill" Earth. It is a self correcting system and if anything, will kill us off if we become a nuisance species.

Very well said, and I agree 100%.

The biggest mistake we can make is to think we have any control. If mankind attempts to make changes to the Earth's normal cycles, do you think we have any chance of succeeding??....Talk about "Waking and angry Giant"...that's all we will accomplish.

Next January I would like to ask Big Al if he could come and help me shovel all the inconvenient truth out of my driveway. :smack: