Anyone had to replace this switch and what symptoms did you have or is there any way to check this switch to see if its bad ?? Bought 2003 ST used with 120K miles. The cruise didnt work (had the light flash once symptom) so I replaced cruise sensor on master cylinder and this fixed my cruise for a few weeks. Then... cruise started working intermediately mainly when truck was cold ...like in the mornings when i first drove it ... after warming up cruise would no longer work ( no light flash or anything)...sometimes I would tilt steering wheel up or down and it would work again...sometimes. Now it never works..no flashing light on dash..nothing ?? So Im wondering if there could be a bad connection in switch on steering or just a bad switch ?? Anyone experienced anything similar ? Thanks for any input.
2003 XLT 2WD 130K
2003 XLT 2WD 130K