Dad sues "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" Church

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Andy Chase

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
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Coon Rapids, MN
This is ridiculous. There basically is a group of people from a church that are protesting funerals for military members killed in action. They believe these soldiers are dying because the U.S. is supportive of homosexuals, therefore God is killing them.

I know this "church" is not doing anything illegal based on their 1st Amendment Rights, but they could protest somewhere else and not near the funeral or cemetary. Some people seemed to have lost their Ethics recently.

It was foolish for the dad to try to sue the church, which is made up of a family of lawyers. The church members know exactly what their rights are and anyone could have seen how the lawsuit was going to turn out. Now he's stuck paying THEIR legal costs.

You don't take on a gaggle of lawyers unless you know damned well you're going to win.
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The really infuriating part about this is that after ruling in favor of the "church", the appellate court ordered Mr. Snyder to pay their legal fees to the tune of ~$16,000.:angry:

Veterans organizations like the American Legion and others have come to his aid and are raising money to assist Mr. Snyder. If you'd like to help/donate, go here:

<A HREF="">Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder</A>

You can also join his Facebook page to show support: <A HREF="">I support Al Snyder in His fight against Westboro Baptist Church</A>

These loons were the very reason that the Patriot Guard riders were created. They provide escorts at fallen Veterans' funerals, and, if necessary, serve as a human barrier to shield the grieving family from the filth spewing from these @$$holes.

I agree that these people are exercising their right to free speech, but along with that right comes being accountable and responsible for your words. They're not doing that at all. I believe that the sole purpose of their actions is to do nothing more than milk their 15 minutes of fame and get free, shameless publicity by making the news.:smack:
Didn't Bill O'Rielly pay the judgement? If so, then why send more money to him?
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Didn't Bill O'Rielly pay the judgement? If so, then why send more money to him?

That's a rumor that's not yet been confirmed. Also, keep in mind that in addition to being ordered to pay the defendant's legal fees, Mr. Snyder also probably has huge legal bills of his own. It ain't cheap to take a case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Slain Marine's dad getting court cost help

Posted: Thursday, April 1, 2010 12:01 am | Updated: 11:58 pm, Wed Mar 31, 2010.

By S. Wayne Carter Jr. Times Staff Writer

Veteran organizations and residents have responded in a big way to reports that the father of a Marine killed in Iraq was ordered to pay the legal costs of the fundamentalist church that protested his son's funeral.

Albert Snyder, of York, Pa., is suing Westboro Baptist Church and its founder, Fred Phelps, whose members picketed the Westminster funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, of Finksburg, in 2006.

The Topeka, Kan.-based church contends U.S. military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are God's punishment for tolerance of homosexuality.

Snyder sued Phelps, his daughters Shirley Phelps-Roper and Rebecca Phelps-Davis, and the church and won a verdict of more than $11 million for emotional distress and invasion of privacy in October 2007. The judge reduced the amount to $5 million, but a federal appeals court threw out the verdict altogether. The court said the signs contained "imaginative and hyperbolic rhetoric" protected by the First Amendment.

On March 26, the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Maryland ordered Snyder to pay $16,510 in appeal costs to Phelps.

Attorneys for Snyder said more than 4,000 donations to help offset his legal fees were received the past two days through the Web site Donations exceeding legal costs will benefit veterans returning from war in the form of a scholarship, according to the site.

A Facebook page called "I support Al Snyder in His fight against Westboro Baptist Church" with links to the site had drawn more than 35,000 fans by Wednesday afternoon.

The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars are also asking people to donate.

"Like most Americans, we were outraged when we heard about this," said American Legion spokesman John Raughter. "It's outrageous that this cult, I won't even call them a church, would protest outside any funeral, let alone those of our military heroes."

Nearly $8,000 had been collected in about 24 hours by the organization, said its New Media Manager Mark Seavey. He said he expects thousands more in donations when the Legion sends out its weekly e-mail newsletter today, which reaches about 250,000 people.

"Of all the things [Snyder] has to worry about right now, we're going to make sure money isn't one of them," Seavey said.

The VFW national headquarters issued a press release Wednesday expressing outrage with the appellate court's decision.

"This is a travesty at best and borders on the obscene," said VFW National Commander Thomas J. Tradewell Sr. in the release. "The irony in this whole situation is that the blood and sacrifice of our nation's heroes have enabled this group to spread their message of hate. Yet, they celebrate when one of America's best pays the ultimate sacrifice preserving that right of free speech."

Tradewell goes on to say the VFW national headquarters will be making a donation to the fund and asked the more than 1.5 million members of the VFW to do what they can to assist Snyder, even something as small as taking time to write a note of support.

Several Internet reports stated Bill O'Reilly, a Fox News host, has offered to pay for the costs associated with the appeal; however, Snyder's attorneys could not confirm this Wednesday.

One of Snyder's attorneys, Craig Trebilcock, said Wednesday there was a similar motion at the district court level ordering Snyder to pay appeal costs that has yet to be ruled on.

"Nothing is owned until the court says it is," Trebilcock said.

<A HREF=">Carroll County Times: Slain Marine's dad getting court cost help</A>
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Actually, Bill O'Rielly said on his show that he would pay for it. The clip was posted on the day after he said it. I tried to find it so I could post the link, but was unsuccessful, but I did find this story.
just shoot the whole church, if they dont like their freedom that our soldiers are fighting for they dont need to live here... and if thats the case they dont need to be living, let their families feel what the families of our soldiers feel...

That's a rumor that's not yet been confirmed.

Not a rumor, a fact. He has said it several times...

This suit isn't over yet, will be heard by the Supreme Court in the fall.
OK, ok, re: O'Reilly, I stand corrected. The article I linked above was the most current info I could find on short notice. I haven't seen/heard anything from O'Reilly himself on this, and like Kimbros, I couldn't find any hard confirmation.

Now, :back2topic:
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Ship em all off to Afghanistan, Give them a turban, an (unloaded) AK47 and an RPG and march em off into the desert..

Then send up the drones.
AK, RPG, "Ay Dirka Dirka, Mohammad Jihad", a turban and a beard = instant muslim terrorist.

(Team America: World Police reference..."Valmorphanize him!")

All of that comes for under 50 USD over there, easily. "The Afghanistan" is the cheapest place in the world to buy an AK-47.

50 bucks from tax money to "legally" euthanize these punks? Well, I approve.

(Plus the $ for using the drones, but hey, after that Osprey accident, we NEED more testing :grin: )
these people really bring out the worst in me... Im not afraid to say if it were a family member of mine who was KIA and they showed up at his/her funeral, I would definitely throw some led downrange at them no questions asked. They are pieces of $h!t. they protest at funerals for soldiers who protect their freedom including their free speech. Something needs to be done about these sons of b******. period. :fire:
Ask if the cemetery gives group discounts...there you go.

To (ironically) quote Moore, "It only takes 17 cents to kill".

I think that can be afforded. Making them martyrs by killing them or just simply attacking them helps their cause, I know, but I'm surprised that so many people at so many funerals have resisted the temptation to simply beat them down.

You're at a cemetery, after all. Got a hole ready to plant the body in...