Dallas Meet "Unofficial" Howard Johnson Hotel Directions

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user 58826

Sep 2, 2003
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I know Rich and Eric are working on this, but I thought I would help out where I can. I drove to the Howard Johnson's over the weekend so that this way you'll have these directions from a first hand account, and not what MapQuest says.

Make your own way to I-30.

From Fort Worth and the West:

1. Travel east on I-30 toward Dallas

2. Exit 28B Nolan Ryan Expwy in Arlington - you will be exiting onto a two lane one way (eastbound) service road; stay in the left hand lane.

3. The service road will turn right to the intersection of Nolan Ryan Expwy (southbound only) and Copeland Road (east and west). Turn left at the stop light onto Copeland Road.

4. You'll crest a small hill and should be able to see the Howard Johnson's in the distance.

5. The next intersection you come to is Copeland and Convention Center Road (southbound only).

6. Go through this intersection, staying on eastbound Copeland.

7. Howard Johnson's will be the first building on your left, about half a block.

From Dallas and the East:

1. Travel west on I-30 toward Fort Worth

2. Exit 29 Ballpark Way in Arlington. This is a U-turn exit; once you complete the U-turn, the exit lane splits into a northbound lane and a southbound lane. Take the Ballpark Way South split and stay in the right hand lane

3. As you cross over I-30, you'll see the Howard Johnson's.

4. Turn right at the first traffic light you come to; this will be Convention Center Road.

5. Once you make this right, you'll be traveling north on Convention Center Road. Stay in the right hand lane.

6. The next intersection is Copeland. Turn right (east) onto Copeland.

7. Howard Johnson's will be the first building on your left, about half a block.

Hope that helps

Friday, September 30, 2005 and Saturday, October 1, 2005. Most people will be in town on Thursday night and staying until Sunday.
Brian, you may want to check:

<a href="http://www.mysporttrac.com/mysporttrac/texas05.asp"target=top><img src="http://www.mysporttrac.com/mysporttrac/graphics/Dallas_Logo.gif"></a>
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I am confused as the informationis NOT clear. Is there TWO different competitions one on Firday At the State Fair and One on Saturday at the Fort Worth Sotckyards ? :wacko:
stay tuned in, The Brezina's Tweety Twac & Heather's comp orange, and I believe Larry Phillips won the contest. Most of us just entered for the fun of it.

Not sure what the Brezina's or Heather won, I know Larry walked away with a cool Grill and some other stuff. I remember because of the look on his face when Rich announced him as a winner, the look was priceless :) (see Larry I told you ..you had a great chance of winning) :)