Did you see the state of the union address

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Bill Barber

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
San Jose, CA

first time in my 62 years walking this earth, that I became truley afraid for my country.

we are being run by a ship of fools.
I am convinced Biden is a bobblehead doll
and don't forget Pelousy!

I watched a little bit of it, the Gov of Virginia is pretty sharp.

Remember the first thing Clinton did in office?!? Don't ask don't tell.

Obama is following in his footsteps, looks like 1993 all over again except for the

two wars, bad economy, double digit unemployment, and an out of touch with the people

president that had never held a job in his life!

At least Bill Clinton was a two term Governor, not a 18 month Senator.

The part that really caught my attention was the President scolding the Supreme Court for making a decision that he didn't agree with. I admittedly have mixed feelings on that decision, but I think that the President was way out of line there. That is exactly what the Supreme Court is supposed to do -- it is called checks and balances.

Otherwise the speech was pretty much the same as last year's -- cap and trade (no one wants it), health care reform (most don't like what is proposed), earmarks (He already had a chance to veto thousands of earmarks and didn't), and no lobbyists in the administration (except those he hired already, apparently).

I like the idea of a spending freeze (in fact, I would cut spending on pretty much everything except defense), but why wait until next year? Do it now. Oh, it is because he wants his "Jobs Bill", which is a prettier term for a spending/stimulus bill. Which means that the President is all for a spending freeze, as long as it doesn't affect the things he wants to spend money on. The line about waiting until next year when things are better because "that's how budgeting works" made no sense -- that's not how budgeting works. When you're broke, you stop spending money now, not later after you have spent more.

I also thought the line regarding taking some blame for Heath Care Reform not being popular because he has not done a good job of explaining is was condescending and off the mark. To me, he comes off like he is saying "People aren't really smart enough to understand what I am telling them, but I know what is best for them". What he doesn't seem to realize is that the more it was explained, the less people liked it.

I hope he keeps it up -- he'll seal his fate as a one-term President.

What small amount I watched made me sick. I couldnt take the standing and clapping every 10 seconds. I thought it looked like a pep rally. Why not let the info be delivered. Then at the end stand and clap or dont. They all looked like a bunch of bobble head puppets. Less than 10 minutes couldnt take anymore.

I have always felt that way. With anyone giving a speach. Let them finnish then appluase if you like it or dont, if you dont.
Didn't watch it, had no desire too, and I usually watch all the presidential speeches, or did until he took office. Better tv was watching the FSU vs Duke game....
How is Obama heralded as a great public speaker? IMO, he sucks.

I saw his announcement at West Point, and I have sympathy for those who had to sit through it as the live audience--I'd have been one of those napping. All the man had to say was "I'm sending more troops, we're gonna grab 'em by the nose and kick 'em in the pants", ala Patton, but he didn't have that kind of conviction about his decision, and he had to go on for hours just to essentially say one sentence. I could understand verbosity, if you could actually deliver what you were trying to prattle on about correctly.

Messed up all my TV shows too.

I did not watch his state of the union address though--all he does is read, poorly, from a teleprompter, and I could read the script myself, on my own time, without having my tv and week interrupted :(

Zero motivation and desire to watch this. I'll pick up the transcripts today or tomorrow. I watched the Ducks get smoked by the Caps in hockey, followed by Cops, then Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Is it just me, or are politicians starting to sound more and more like the grown-ups on Charlie Brown cartoons? You know, "Wahwah. Wahwahwahwah. Wahwahwahwahwah."
I watched it on and off. It's about what I expected.

I thought the Republican's infomercial at the end was funny. The way they pretended to make it appear to be an official event. They did a good job with the multiple camera angles, scripted and rehearsed audience and applause, and hijacking of the Virgina Senate chamber. Unfortunately, the speaker appeared uncomfortable. He reminded me of a college kid trying to do the news on a campus TV station.
The way they pretended to make it appear to be an official event. They did a good job with the multiple camera angles, scripted and rehearsed audience and applause,

Much like the SOTU speech...

And Wall Street is not too happy with him since the market is down over 150 points.
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i`m not going even to start to comment. i would be here for days but i can`t talk bad about my commander in cheif. give me five years when i retire then it`s fair game. and when did democrats call themselfs progresives?



just my two cents

"You know, I forgot he was black tonight for an hour." - MSNBC's Chris Matthews after POTUS's SOTU address

??? So does that mean that Matthews seems him the rest of the time as black first? Imagine the backlash if a conservative TV/Radio personality like say, Rush or Hannity had said this very thing...

Guess Matthews' leg was all a-tingle again last night!:smile0007:

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"If presidential leadership were only about giving speeches, the jackhammers would already be at work on Mt. Rushmore." - Newsweek's Howard Fineman shortly after POTUS' SOTU address

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Nope, no media bias at all, here...

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TT, Chris Matthews, idiot that he is, would have been rode out of town on a rail had he been a Republican. That was an amazingly pointless topic to bring up on his part, about how far we've come in race relations. Seems to me that if you keep bringing up how far we've progressed, you drag up the past, which takes us one step backwards.

"I shouldn't talk about it"--then don't, mr matthews. Just don't.

Has this guy ever done anything besides make completely baseless appeals to emotion?

At least the calls to be "bipartisan" haven't swayed the Republicans, yet--they're not repeating that mistake of Bush 41 & 43....though I don't put anything past McCain after his latest debacle.

Fineman said that Obama's speech was the most conservative speech any democratic president has made since the middle of Clinton's 2nd term.....so, ahhh, how many presidents have we had since then who were self-professed Democrats?


Here's a great analysis/response to the SOTU address. Too long to post here, but well worth reading.

That was an amazingly pointless topic to bring up on his part, about how far we've come in race relations. Seems to me that if you keep bringing up how far we've progressed, you drag up the past, which takes us one step backwards.

Right. Just goes to show how hypocritical and actually bigoted these types of comments really are.

Seems to me that those who "fight for the 'less fortunate'" tend to see people by the color of their skin first, rather than looking at the content of their character.
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