Discount on your Cell Phone. Legit, I just did it myself.

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
Below is a message I received early this morning. I called my provider, (Verizon) and it was just that simple. I now have a continual 15% discount. I asked her if it was good to go for military persons as well. She informed me that she has been doing it for them. Some have not. If you get one that says no, hang up and call back. But all FED Employees are in.

Shipmates, here are some excerpts from emails making their way through the Command Financial Specialist network.

To receive a discount from your phone service you need to contact them and let em know you work for the Federal Government. From the information below there are different discounts and different documents needed to verify you work for the Coast Guard. Use the information to your advantage and save some hard earned money.

Subject: FW: Federal Telecommunications Act 1996 Discount to Federal Employees Past and Present

I just found out that the subject Act states that current and retired federal employees are eligible for a 10% reduction on their cellular phone bill. For Cingular users you need to go to a local Cingular office and provide them with proof that you are/were a federal employee, they will annotate your account and you should start receiving the discount the next billing cycle.

Sprint will do the same thing (10%) discount.

Verizon at 866-571-5158 and they gave me 15% discount on my monthly cell phone bill because I am a Fed employee, only took about 5 min. It also works for the military . I didn't even have to provide verification of employment did it all over the phone.

I do know that both AT&T (Cingular) and Verizon do give discounts to Government employees and that includes the men and women in uniform.

The program with AT&T (Cingular) is called Employee Navy Sponsorship and you should mention it when you either call or visit AT&T. You may have to provide verification of employment with the Navy orwhatever federal agency you are employed by.

If you have TDMA Service - Refer to Foundation Account #1105

If you have GSM Service - Refer to Foundation Account #32437

39% discount off equipment (in addition to any instant rebates, etc. offered)

10% discount off of service

Get the benefits of a 2-year plan but only sign up for 1 year

No activation fee

Verizon has a similar discount program and it is a straight 10% discount off your service plan. You just ask for it when you sign up for service, or if you already have service, givem them a call and ask to receive thediscount. [E-mail above states Verizon USAF discount is 23%
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How did you get them to give you the discount? Did you just quote the Act? I've been shopping for Verizon service (because I'm fed up w/Cingular's poor quality signal) and the Verizon rep I talked to didn't know anything about a discount.

BTW, Cingular offers a military/Federal employee discount of 19% off your bill, and 39% off equipment purchases. Just go to, scroll down to the "business customers" section and enter your work e-mail and zip code. It'll send you an e-mail telling you if you qualify for the discount.
Pretty much, I simply said it was brought to my attention and read the following line to the lady.

Federal Telecommunications Act 1996 Discount to Federal Employees Past and Present

She said, "Ok, is it in your name". I said no, my wifes. She told me to get it in my name and call back. I called my wife, she put it in my name. I called back. Got a different lady, explained that the account was now in my name and what I wanted.

She said, "No problem, done"...
I did the same thing for my NEXTEL service and got a 15% discount as well. They needed me to fax in a copy of my LES, but that was it. This word is spreading fast througout the military.

I get a discount through work (fedex), I think it is 25% off of service and 35% off of phones and accesories.......too bad I use Cingular, they give the same discount. lol
I work for the City of San Diego and got the same thing with Verizon. Just called them, let them know I work for the city and asked about getting the discount. Took about 5 min. on the phone and it was done.
I think it should count as being a "federal employee" for everyone. After all, thanks to the IRS, we all spend 1/3 of our lives working for the Man. :)
Bill V.,

All the more reason for you to contact your Congressman and Senators and urge them to support the FairTax!:)
I pulled the act up. Reading it now to see how it is worded.

Initially, it stated active/current or retired Fed Employees. Trying to see if it is in the act somewhere or it was assumed to include retired people...

Read Faster! :D

I just downloaded the PDF version of the 1996 Act which is an update from the 1934 act. I did a search looking for "Federal Employee" and just "Employee" as well ass "Discount", and could not find any specific working that indicated anything about any discounts for Federal Employee's???

So keep reading (faster), and let us know when and were you found it. :lol:

Hey Coastie Joe,

Can you post a link to this ACT. I called Verizon and was told that the retired personnel are not eligible, apparently it was revised. I did qualify since I work for the county and all of my retirement and benefits are through the state. They gave me a 17% discount. My co-worker called Sprint and got a 15% discount.

BTW....thanks for the post.:D
I work for cingular and we offer all kinds of discounts: For Washington/Baltimore area all federal and state workers flat 15% monthly bill. Dod/Military get 19%, USPS a huge 25%, home depot 22%, ford motor company 13%, darden restraunts (olive garden, red lobster, red robin.,etc) 12%, Giant foods 18%, McDonalds 17%, Office depot 15%, UPS 17%, fedex 22%, WMATA(Metro) 15%....

Just to name the most that I see here feel free to email me to inquire about your job [email protected]
Does this discount apply only to cell phone service, or does it also it apply to other telecomm services such as local phone, DSL, cable internet, cable/satellite tv, etc.?:huh:
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i work for UPS and i get 23% off my verizon wireless bill, 25% off all accesorises, discounts on all phones and no iniatiaion fee.

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