>>>They do not allow customers to upgrade,<<< , With DISH you can upgrade
Maybe services, but not hardware without paying full price.
>>>use third party companies for install<<<, The guys that installed mine worked for DISH
Maybe DISH has installers but I'm pretty confident that depends on the area.
>>>frequently do not work during bad weather<<< This has a lot to do with how strong your signal is to begin with, I rarely lose mine even in major storms (only 2 x)
Actually, it has to do with objects blocking the signal. i.e. swaying trees, heavy clouds and the position of the satellite. Mine went off 20-30 times (DISH) in two years I had a clear view to the sky and my signal was always 98-97-99.
>>>require you to sign a contract<<<, I did not sign a contract, instead I payed the $49 install fee.
Possible, but I have never see this option.
>>>they DO have a long pause between channels<<<, there's a pause but it's not bad.
All digital boxes have a pause. Seems that satellite is longer then cable.
>>>and you have to have a receiver for every TV<<<, NOT TRUE, I have 2 dual tuners and 4 TVs.
TRUE. Dual means 2. 2 x 2 = 4. 4 TVs, 4 Tuners. You can not plug a TV directly into the satellite without a receiver of some-sort.
>>>Also, if you have a cable modem, you have to switch back to DSL which also means getting a phone line if you don't have one.<<<< This is true but my DSL service is better and cheaper than my Cable internet (Comcast)
But is the cost of the DSL + telephone line cheaper then the cost of cable internet?