does your transmission thunk?

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Active Member
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
When I come to a slow stop I get kind of a thunk out of the truck. My usual mechanic took a look at it (first time he has seen this truck since I just got it) and he said he thinks its the tranny.

2008 v8 4x4 6 speed.

45000 miles so I think it is under warranty still??

known as the tranny bump .... does it feel like some one hits you in he rear ??

Todd Z
My '07 did that until I had them update the TSB for the tranny. Now, I'm 98 % happy with the tranny!

'07 ST
Hey there Bob C. - do you recall how long ago were the new tranny updates you are referring to?

I have Torrie's tranny tune in my ST back from last year and I still experience the tranny bump. If there may have been something more recent I'll give Torrie a shout. Thanks. Joe
Mine felt like I was rear ended by a bull moose when I came to a stop. I had the dealer do the TSB about 15K miles ago. Been fine ever since.
I've heard of this, not only in Ford's but alot of automatics out there where the transmission doesn't downshift fast enough, if I has to stop that fast I just put it in nuetral so I didn't have to worry about it. I drove a friends car once and it disd that, I told him to get it checked and to shift it into neutral just to be safe.
Dealer reprogram fixed mine the 2nd time around. It came back after the 1st update. Mine's an 08 4.6L as well.

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