Don Cornelius commits suicide

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I'm guessing he was not as cool as he appeared on TV? I don't know what issues or problems he had, but I don't think suicide is ever the answer.

What is it with the entertainment celebrities that drives them to drugs and suicide? Is it the money, or the fame? Perhaps they just have a very fragile ego that can easily be broken?

My local news reported. They are investigating, wether suicide or murder.

Strange report......Must be something questionable.
They say he was in bad heath & proably tired of it all. He cured himself!
Rich, it's not always drugs, ego, etc. I can fully understand how some people in declining health can come to the decision to do this. I truly hope I am never in that position, and feel for anyone who is, regardless of which decision they make.
Bill V,

Early reports that I heard did not mention health issues, but now they are and that probably was a leading factor. The media also indicated that he was arrested for domestic violence and that he had recently gone through a nasty divorce. Top that with bad health and it may have been the perfect storm.

My point was that celebrities who are not old, nor have health issues, all to often seem to accidently or deliberately overdose on drugs or live a dangerous livestyle that results in their early death.

Just recently Demi Moore was taken to the hospital suffering from convulsions. Earlier, Heather Locklear was taken to the hospital for some sort of unexplained medical condition. rumored to be excessive use of drugs?

It just seems to me that these celebrities have the fame and fortune that most people would envy, yet they don't seem very happy and tend to follow self-destructive lifestyles. They either have serious ego issues or a poor self image...Perhaps they have problems separating their real lives from the roles they play as actors and entertainers?



"Just recently Demi Moore was taken to the hospital suffering from convulsions."

To think pragmatically--which, tragically, also seems to mean insensitively--do you think that might be a hint as to why Ashton "got out of Dodge"?

Perhaps the reason that these rich celebrities pursue such dangerous lifestyles is that with their fame and fortune they are immune from the rat race which consumes the lives of most other people? Without ambition to get anything more, mainly because they have all they could want, my guess is that they're just bored. The rich and powerful who obtain their wealth through business and other active pursuits can always have a further goal, but people who get rich off of a few movies don't appear to have much more to aspire to.

Against boredom the gods themselves fight in vain. - Friedrich Nietzsche

I agree that Demi Moore's irratic behaviour was a contributing cause to the spit with Ashton, but early on there were rumors that he was seeing some other woman? Ashton never said anything about the split, so we don't know if it's true or if it was Demi Moore's self-destructive behavior that drove him out?

I also think that soon after the novelty of the fame wears off, celebrities want privacy from the media and fans. Some of their boredom probably stems from their inability to live in a normal world and go anywhere a normal person would go without being swamp by the media and fans.

I just think that some people don't handle the fame very well and they often become prisoners in their own mansions. That may be the source of their bordom?

Movie and TV stars are very busy when they are working but they also have a lot of free time and a lot of money. That often spells trouble.
I don't know who Don Cornelius is. I'm aware of Soul Train, flipped right past it a few times to get to the Price is Right. Sad story, though.

As for celebrities creating their own tragedies, I basically agree. I admire those like George Clooney that carry ambition further than entertainment. I really admire those that put their money where their mouths are and do good with the wealth they earn.
His ambition is admirable. His world view is skewed. I can usually find something I like about everybody. It just happens that when I think of an actor that is trying to build a brand, I think of Clooney. And I'm not talking about starting a clothing line to sell in KMart or a new fragrance for a department store. I'm talking big. Clooney has that ambition.

Seeing as how I don't know who Cornelius is, he must have failed to use his money and influence to do great things in his community. Unless an hour music/dance show changed his community for the better in a meaningful sense. I really don't know what he did with his life, but seeing how it ended, I don't think he found a big purpose to live for.
When I hear George Clooney, all I can think of is his seething gun hatred and his infamous remark about Charlton Heston. Surprisingly said remark is even mentioned on <a href="">Wikipedia</a>.

Actor George Clooney joked about Heston's failing health at a 2003 National Board of Review award ceremony, saying that Heston "announced again today that he is suffering from Alzheimer's." When questioned, Clooney said Heston deserved whatever was said about him for his involvement with the NRA.[45]

Seeing as how I don't know who Cornelius is, he must have failed to use his money and influence to do great things in his community.

Unless your community was also his community, I don't see how this makes any sense. This reads as though you are saying you're aware of any and everyone who has done "great things" in their community, which is a pretty tall claim.

I'll add in that I also had no idea who this man was, what he did, or why I should care that he apparently decided to kill himself. IMO suicide doesn't deserve sympathy. If someone wants to do it, that's their prerogative, but I'm not going to be too broken up over it. Just my thoughts here.
Unless your community was also his community, I don't see how this makes any sense. This reads as though you are saying you're aware of any and everyone who has done "great things" in their community, which is a pretty tall claim.

Or maybe you and I just have different definitions of great.
"Or maybe you and I just have different definitions of great."

That's a cop-out, and I'm fairly sure you know it. :sad:

So you're reasserting that if you do not know the person, they have not done anything great. Well then, we should all keep that in mind. :banghead:

It's not a cop out and your assertion is insulting. You could have just asked why my definition would be different than yours rather than just assuming you have the correct definition of greatness all figured out and that any claim of difference with you is an avoidance tactic...and ultimately wrong, anyway.

My definition of great is culture changing. MLK did great things. Bill Cosby is doing good in his community, but he's not making history. This is my difference in definition. Great accomplishments are written in history books. Don Cornelius may have a mention in a subculture pop history book, perhaps even with a picture and caption. Chapters will not be devoted to this man. He did not do great things.

Don't go searching for my approval of the things you do that you think are "great." I'll let the history books depict your greatness.

I certainly admire those celebrities who support a worthy charitable cause. I look at George Clooney as good actor in a variety of movies, but nothing more. I do not have much respect for those who use their celebrity status to publicly promote their personal politcal agendas....Their opinion counts no more than any citizen's opinion, but their celebrity allows them to get media coverage and tends to have more impact than what anyone else may say.

I like George Clooney as an actor, and could care less about what his political views are, or what he thinks or may have said about Charleton Heston and the NRA....It's just his opinion.

In the same light, does it really matter if Donald Trump endorses Mit Romney, or Newt Gingrich? Trump has money, a successful businessman, and a celebrity but that surely does not qualify him to make his political opinions any more significant than yours or mine.


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