Don't Ever Steal a Parking Space!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
Mahomet, IL
'cause you never know when something like this might happen! :banghead::cheeky:

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She was hot, so probably used to getting what she wants...

Also, probably staged since the camera pans... (not saying some survellience cams don't, but they require a human to make them pan like that, and most run unattended or only partially attended)...

Still, funny!

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great idea but agree it appears staged

if it were real, she might not have seen him waiting as the SUV was slocking her view of the car waiting. still agree it is staged.

BTW, maybe the guy has a camaro home in his garage :bwahaha:
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if it were real, she might not have seen him waiting as the SUV was slocking her view of the car waiting.

My thoughts exactly. (blocking)

She was hot, so probably used to getting what she wants...

Well, the video quality was pretty bad so I'll withhold "judgment", but I'm thinking you and I think differently on the subject of corporeal allure.

Also, probably staged since the camera pans... (not saying some survellience cams don't, but they require a human to make them pan like that, and most run unattended or only partially attended)...

Maybe the company has attentive security? Or security so bored that they became attentive, watching anything happening on the cameras out of sheer boredom? (Like the security staff at that mall where the texting woman walked into a fountain)

"Oh...An intelligent guard. Didn't think of that." -- Joss Whedon.

Vandalism is a pathetically low crime. This dude lost a lot of face in this. While it is the closest he can get to "retribution" in our PC society, he could have easily parked elsewhere and walked in the time it took to do all of this. Maybe I'm too biased as people camping parking spots like this is a pet peeve of mine. Walking is good.

I could believe it was real, though it probably is not. (Then again, the cell phone fountain one was...)


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