Drill baby Drill - In Brazil

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Active Member
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
So why is it our President wants to send technology and help Brazil drill so that "when you are ready to drill we want to be one of your best customers".

Now, don't get me wrong. I am all for helping Brazil develop their oil reserves. I just don't understand why it is okay to drill there but not here?

Can anyone explain this to me in a rational way? We could use the jobs, the taxes, the independence. Are our shores more delicate?
In another thread it was mentioned that George Soros, a prolific Obama supporter, has a huge stake in the Brazilian petroleum extraction business.

Are our shores more delicate?

Apparently, as well as our Alaskan tundra & any other place where we actually have oil.

No one gives a crap about the environmental disasters caused by oil extraction in South America, I guess that's too much work for the tree-huggers. The oil slicks and huge tracts of duckweed (which can be seen from space easily) on Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo, for example, are never mentioned.

(I'm no tree-hugging hippie, I just wanted to point out the irony.)
Don't drill in the US and stop all present production. Fill up our reserves.

Wait until oil reaches about $400 a barrel and all the arabs are bone dry.

Then Drill Baby Drill. We will be a rich country.

Why use our oil when it's still cheap?

will e said:
Can anyone explain this to me in a rational way?

Sure, no problem. One of the largest investors in PetroBras, the Brazilian oil company, is Obama benefactor George Soros. It is very easy to figure out what the O-man will do at any time by asking, "What would be good for George?"
Don't drill in the US and stop all present production. Fill up our reserves.

Wait until oil reaches about $400 a barrel and all the arabs are bone dry.

Then Drill Baby Drill. We will be a rich country.

Why use our oil when it's still cheap?

So in about 200 years we will be a rich country, cause that is about how long the Arab oil will last.
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We've already reached the 200 year mark that has signified the downfall of every prior attempt at democracy. Can we make it another 200 at the rate we're going?
Interesting, i didn't know about the George connection.

The idea that we wait until others start to run out is something I have thought of too. We don't have to take it all out of the ground, but we should be tapping into our own resources.

I do believe in about 30 to 40 years oil will be less important and the price will actually drop.

200 years. Sounds about right.

OK with me.

Can't we just print money until then? I have no problem spending my child's future. Seems like a good way to get back that money for his first three vehicles, college, and braces.


Bud, please don't indulge that question. Nothing will turn this thread down the wrong path faster and everyone here knows what you meant.

Has anyone happened to notice the depth at which they will be drilling in Brazil? Hint: deeper, much, much deeper than the one responsible for our Gulf disaster. That'll be cheap and safe.
Hint: deeper, much, much deeper than the one responsible for our Gulf disaster. That'll be cheap and safe.

It's too far away from America for anyone to care. The media won't be able to harp on the plight of the poor Gulf coast dwellers, and blame Republicans for it. (Despite the fact that BP is not Halliburton. Sigh)

No one seems to care about the fiasco going on with the great trash sea in the Pacific or the Saragasso sea in the Atlantic, and at least the first one is closer to America than the Brazilian Petrobras proposed drill sites. If those disasters can't get anyone to bat an eye, why should anyone care about the risks of a potential disaster even further away?

NIMBY. No problemo.

Really? Considering that the new nuclear plants don't need the gargantuan cooling towers, I don't see a real issue. Even if we can't build new plants, we need to allow expansion of our current plants. The 3rd reactor at the MD nuclear plant of Calvert Cliffs has been in development hell for decades now. (And it would not have the hated cooling tower)

Though on that, a nuclear reactor can't be much worse than the bevy of cheaply made townhouses that are popping up all over here. There's nary a tree standing. When 20 houses on a 5 acre lot is considered a conservative build, fugliness is coming to the neighborhood. Damn BRAC. :angry:

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