dry wash

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I used to sell the drywash products and they are very good. I was skeptical at first with someone telling me that you don't need to wash your car/truck before using it but my first test was on my wifes black camaro and it came out great. My wife's aunt got me hooked on it I used it for about 3 years while I sold it. Since moving I haven't used it but yes I'd like to start using it again. It's great to have some of that when you live in Ohio with all this crappy weather were getting. I'll go ahead and answer another question for everyone who hasn't used this product: It won't scratch your paint even when using it if you haven't washed your car yet. My wife's black camaro was pretty dirty after driveing to Branson MO, and when I got there she handed me a bottle of DryWash and said to test it out on my wife's camaro and it came out very nice looking no swirles, marks or blemishes. So yes I recommend it highly.
Well obviosly you would want to wet those areas down to soften them. You can use drywash on wet or dry surfaces. Water stain will come out but it depends on how long they been on there and how bad they are, but overall the product leaves and clean scratch free surface.
Thanks so much Sam for the link to our site.... Just wanted to clear a couple things up on the Dri Wash. It will work on bird droppings and bugs, of course it will take a little more work, but after you use it a couple times, you will notice bugs will come off much easier. As far as rinsing those areas first, I would not recommend it. Water will mix in with the wettiwng agents in the Dri Wash and cause it to become cloudy and it will not buff out nicely at all. Dri Wash was developed to be used without any water, so if you have massive amounts of mud or bugs that you would want to rinse off, then make sure you let the vehicle dry before applying Dri Wash. Also, the Oxygone product works great for water spots, which you will also find on our site. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop by and write us, or give us a call.
I have a hard time understanding how this product would not cause more spiderwebs or swirl type scratchs in the clearcoat.....
The product is formulated to pull dirt and debree away from the paint when sprayed on, so when you whip the dirt off it's not actually contacting the paint. There is an explination on the website.