E-Bay Purchase Problem

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Tommy VanNess

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2001
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Hey All,

I have never had a problem with E-Bay, but I rarely use it so I am wondering how to go about it.

I bought a model kit off an an E-Bay auction. I immediately paid with Paypal, and also sent an e-mail through E-Bay to the seller. After a few days I didn't hear anything, so I figured it was on the way. Well, 7 days later, I have not heard anything from the seller (2 e-mails were sent). The $32.99 is gone from my account. How do I approach this? Is it too early to do anything? Thanks for any advice.

first contact pay pal. i had to do that once. let them know the issue and post negative feedback. you may want to wait to see if it shows up. give it another week or so. also pay pal if you call them has helpfull information. about how to handle it.
Try to contact the seller.

If that doesnt get a response in 1 day, file a paypal complaint.

That always wakes thier lazy butts up, and if they dont reply to that you can escalate to a claim and thier paypal accoutn will be suspended.

Dont play around, I never do... and ive never been ripped off.

Thanks XST. I sent an e-mail through E-Bay, right when I made the purchase. I assume it went to his personal address. (I wasn't sure how to get a hold of him) After about a week, I sent an e-mail to his personal account listed on E-Bay, that was 2 days ago. He has all positive feedback except for one in the last 6 months, which ironically was last week. A buyer complained that his shipment took 3 weeks and was damaged. He replied to his own complaint saying that the seller was on vacation and didn't communicate it. We will see. Thanks for the suggestions.


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