shawn stonbraker 2
Well-Known Member
I know E-Bay has been a topic before but i must vent at you all's expense. E-Bay has really gotten bad. There are entirely to many "big" sellers and companies that handle other people's merchandise. I just had a question about a product and was told "I', sorry - I don't have exact specs - all I have is what we show." In other words, they have no idea about the product because they just sell it, not know anything about it. NICE. I've run into this the last few months when looking for a subwoofer. Since the limited space of the area behind the seat I needed to know the mounting depth. I don't think that it would have fit but figured I'd ask before buying. Well, I'll take my business elsewhere. I started using E-Bay when it was still pretty new. It was ALOT nicer back then because you didn't have people selling stuff that they had no idea about the item. You also didn't have them holding your feedback hostage till you posted you feedback for them either. They would post it as soon as they had your money (the way it should be since you took care of your side of the transaction, and is the way I do it when I sell something on there) and they would actually ANSWER e-mail when it was sent. E-Bay may have just lost a long time costumer due to it getting to big and to impersonal. Seems to me it has gone big business and it's getting out of control. Thanks for letting me rant.