eBay user comment leads to legal woes

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Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Elliot Miller of Miami Beach defended his e-reputation.

He's suing Michael Steadman of Cape Canaveral because Steadman gave him a negative review on eBay.

Steadman bought a $44 time clock for his welding business from Miller. Steadman said when the clock arrived it was actually three pieces of varying models that didn't fit and couldn't stamp a card, as advertised. He returned it and got a refund through PayPal.

But he felt it was his duty to warn others.

So on Miller's profile he wrote, "Bad seller; he has the ethics of a used car salesman."

Miller, a South Florida lawyer, turned around and sued Steadman for $15,000 claiming he ruined his reputation and 100 percent satisfaction rating, reports Florida Today.

Steadman said, "it's not safe to say anything online. You don't have a freedom of speech. The laws don't work for us. Because I don't have the money to fight them, I'm losing. It's not right. I'm speechless."

May be getting off track here, new to me. Ebay acquired PayPal in 2002 for 1.5B.

Eight years later, I just found out. A coincidence, or a monopoly? :angry:

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Monopoly. :angry:

eBay died to me when they started blocking the names of bidders, and when they made feedback useless (Always positive, all the time...people had to start putting negatives in positive comments, but then other users were apt to miss them)

Also the annoying ebay bidding robots. Nothing like being the winning bidder for 5 days just to have 3 other people duke it out in the final 30 seconds of an auction...that ain't cool. When I found out that people actually pay for this "auction sniping" service, I decided to bow out. Having to do that makes ebay more expensive.

Lawyers blow, ebay sucks (Since lawyers actually cause damage, as seen here)
I like Buy It Now. If I have to bid on a real auction, I enjoy manual sniping. That is, opening multiple windows for the same auction and setting up progressive bids just in case. Then, at the last five seconds, which I calculate manually, I place my bid and have a finger on the button to automatically up my bid using one of the open windows with only one or two seconds to spare. I've won some nice stuff that way.
I've never understood sniping. When I see an item I want, i bid the maximum I'm willing to pay. I see no reason to wait until the last minute to bid. If someone wants to outbid what I'm willing to pay for an item, they are welcome to it.

But, as with others in this thread, I have mostly lost interest in eBay since very few items are placed there by individuals. I have found that you can often do better with online retailers like Amazon or TigerDirect.
Don't take it personally, Adam.

Everyone hates lawyers, until they need one, or until their child (or themselves, or some other member of their family) becomes one!

Everyone hates lawyers, until they need one, or until their child (or themselves, or some other member of their family) becomes one!

Not true. I have a first cousin who is a verrrrrry prominent lawyer ........... still don't like them!:cheeky::cheeky:
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Not all lawyers are soulless punks who have sacrificed common sense & humanity to avarice, punks who stand in the way of Capitalism and who oppose via abuse our freedoms....denny crane, for example :grin:

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