ECU mileage vs Gauge milage

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Greg Fowler

Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Lancaster, OH
It looks like I may need to replace my ECU. My truck has been acting up as of late and all things point to the ECU. My worry is this truck is a lease and mileage matters. If I get a known good used ECU that has a different amount of miles on it compared to what my dash states would this be a problem? I would hate for the dealership to freak out when they get it back. The Gauge would be correct but if anyone would ever need to run a test down the road and see two different numbers all kinds of stuff could hit the fan. Am I over thinking this or is this a legit concern? I am almost positve that the ECU stores this info. Any thoughts?
if you have to replace your ecu and you have a lease, isnt the truck under waranty? if it is take it back and let them repair it under the warranty-paul;)
Mileage is not retained in the ECU. It is retained in the speedo via a capacitor. At least it has been up the last I knew of.

That is why many people bought used speedos to reduce the displayed mileage. For re-sale and Leases...

Just did a search on them. $100 to $160 depending on mileage just to give you an example..
I am out of warranty. I have had the truck for almost 4 years. Lease is up pretty soon.. I am close on miles but I will be OK. I am not worried about changing the mileage more concerned that the truck could display two conflicting mileage numbers. If mileage is not stored by the ecu then no worries. I just makes sense that such a basic parameter would be stored for the factory. Thanks for the replies........
If there is any concern, keep the old ECU and report it when you return it. You fixed a problem that needed repaired. No harm with that. You are doing nothing wrong or illegal.

Could just let the dealer fix it....

Whats the truck doing..... There are many other things that it could be before replacing the computer...

Maybe we can help you save a headache..

Todd Z
You know your own paperwork... BUT.. when I was on a lease, I had to have a warranty at least as long as the lease. Just for the fun of it, you might want to look at your paperwork again and if you are on a warranty, then let the dealer handle it.

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