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LaRue Medlin

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
I have an opportunity to pick up a a 42" plasma hdtv from the BX tomorrow for 1K. Hitachi P42H401. LCD's are still too expensive. Should I or shouldn't I??? Who has a plasma and likes it?

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I have a 50" LCD that is now available for about what you are paying for the smaller plasma. If I were you, I'd check around. You can do much better, I think.
My dad picked up a 42" plasma last Xmas and loves it. However I have a 50" DLP and last time I was down here he said that regular TV and HDTV looked better on mine, but he thought the movies looked better on his. Every style has their pros/cons, you just have to decide if there's enough "pro" to pick it up.
I recently bought a Plasma and this what found out when I was doing my research. Plasmas have better black tones than LCDs. Only the best LCDs such as Sony can match them. Plasmas tend to dominate the market above 40 inch because the technology makes it nearly impossible to make them smaller. Plasmas consume more energy and if you have a big one (50 inch+) in a small room you will actually feel the room get warm. The gold standard for Plasmas is Pioneer, followed closely by Panansonic. All flat screen TVs these days are HD, if there is one out there for sale that isn't it's a relic. Every flat screen has two main components, the panel and the processor, it's the processor that really determines quality. The lower the quality of processor, the worse it will look with a standard defn signal. At the 42 inch size you do not need 1080P, you would barely notice the difference in picture quality, above that you start to see it. Plasmas are heavier than LCDs, a 42 inch will weigh 70 to 80 lbs. I do not know much about the Hitachis, I bought a Panasonic.
I have a samsung 42 inch plasma. love it. should of got it sooner. people that come to my house say the same thing about my TV looking much better then their dlp and lcd's. i have digital cable with hi-def, and the hi-def channels are smokin... the Hitachi P42H401 gets great ratings from nextag.com and is probally a great tv.. i picked up my parents a viszio 50 inch plasma at sams club 2 weeks ago for $1399.. great tv.. awesome specs for a discount plasma.. 15,000 to 1 contrast ratio and 1500 cdm brightness.. lowest priced 50 inch plasma on the market. i say buy a plasma,, you will not regret it..

My dad has a Dell 42" Plasma and it looks amazing for movies via HDMI through a HD-DVD player but the basic cable channels suck big time (all fuzzy and blurry) but the HD channels are very nice. Wii and 360 all look great and so does the PS2 and Xbox. LCD TVs are coming down ALOT in price I've seen some pretty decent deals on some nice looking ones (altho no name brands)
I've had a 42" JVC plasma for 3 1/2 years. I love it and watch it everyday. If something were to happen to it I would get another one without a doubt.
I bought my first 42 hitachi from the online bx and loved it.. However a month later I was able to get one for a friend from hhgregg for cheaper and a better model.. But either way I love the HD

The Hitachi P42H401 is a nice tv and for 1K is a fair price for being 1080P. Only way I see you getting much cheaper for the same money is to step down to 720P. Not a whole lot out there as far as 1080P input yet, but it will only increase.

I prefer plasma over LCD as far as picture quality. The 2 cons I have with plasma though are that they are at least twice as heavy as LCD (still way under CRT's) and I have yet to see one with anti-reflective glass. The glare and reflections will be real if you install it in a brightly lit or lots of daylight room.

Good luck...
Many are under the false impression that they can save money by shopping in the BX. Because the BX only deals in premium brands, they will always cost more than a place like Best Buy, even if it is tax-free.
Plasma's are great. The only negative is the glare you will get off the glass. If you are putting it oposite a window it is probably not a good idea, otherwise I would recommend it. I checked the specs on this tv and they are very good. 1080p, 3 HDMI, etc. For $1,000 I would get it.

BTW, what is a BX?

Nelson, after 28 years of being with the military, I still think the BX sometimes has the better deals. AS in NO TAX, that right there will save me over 100 bucks on this tv. Plus we get a 300$ BX shopping card. BTW,,, Best Buy SUCKS!

George C. ,,, BX stands for (AF) base exchange. Military department store as it were......:p
No offense to anyone in particular, but the "no tax" savings thing always cracks me up. Here in Florida, they have a "sales tax free week" prior to the start of the school year and prior to hurricane season. Items like clothes, school supplies, batteries, etc. are placed on sale and, year after year, people flock to the stores.


If a store ran a "7% off Sale," would you go? Certainly not. But call it "Tax Free" and everyone's on board.
In Poland the sales tax is 22%, and you pay over $6.25/gal to drive to go shopping. However, I can buy a nice Czech beer for 50 cents and get a haircut for $2.30. I guess it all evens out.

Geoff makes great points. When i did my research, i looked for cheap systems in order to purchase 2. My wife wanted a flat screen for the family room and I wanted one for my office/man's room. I definitely think that the processor makes and breaks the tv. Panasonic and Pioneer have make huge steps with dealing with non-HD channels, but the fact is in a couple of years, all channels will be digital and will eliminate the poor quality that the other tvs face with non-HD.

What this means to you is "buy either an LCD or Plasma and you wont go wrong" Dont fall into the brand name game. A majority of the parts are produced by the same company.

I purchased an "Olevia" LCD 37" for $699 in MA. That was $500 cheaper than anyother model Plasma or LCD. I will put it up against any other brand in HD and tell you that you wont notice the difference. In a couple of years when all is digital and the other stations produce HD anyway, you will have more to spend on your Trac and a system that suits your need.

BTW....Discover channel smokes in HD.....

If anyone hasnt seen the "Planet Earth" series, try and catch it. Absolutely amazing


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