If you just want to stream music, try Pandora, Slacker, iHeart Radio, or iTunes now has their own free streaming music service, iTunes Radio. It's just like Pandora. The only caveat is that you have to be running iOS 7 on your device to use it. I just upgraded my iPhone 5 to iOS 7 last week, and have been using iTunes Radio. It seems to be pretty good so far.
let me try to make a better description of what I'm looking for... Windows has media player, I have groove on my ipad, I used music match in the past. Something produces good sound and an equalizer, etc... Just to play my cd's and converted music on my hard drive.
I AM ABOUT A 58 YEAR OLD DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been using what I wanted all along. Just never used it for music, just video. On my Altec Lansing speakers and my HQ audio card,,,,,