Engine rebuild question

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Ethan X

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Eugene, OR
I have a 1986 F150 with the 5 Liter fuel injected V8. What would you estimate the cost would be do do a proper rebuild? I was quoted $3k and that seems awfully high, but I really have no idea.

Any knowledgable Ford mechanics want to offer their opinion on what it should cost?

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Very BROAD question.

If your doing it all including re-working the heads and having it all reinstalled the price is about right.

You can buy a short block for just under $1000. Then cover the labor and parts to re-work the heads and the gaskit kit which would be about a grand as well once you figure the labor to re-do it all then reinstall it.

You can buy a completed long bloack for not much more, probably $1200 or so and then cover the labor to swap the parts, (pumps, brackets, intake etc etc) and reinstall the engine. The labor for this should be $800ish for everything.

A quality used engine will run $600ish and then the labor of about $600 again as ther are less parts to swap.
They are $3,000.00 Installed here, So you should be able to do a lot better..

Todd Z
My brother and I did a minor rebuild (rings, bearings, seals, cylinder hone,) on a 351 Windsor for about 400.00 in parts. It took us about 2 hours to get everything back together.

Rebuilding an engine is not as hard as you think it is.

Get a small block Ford engine rebuild book. It walkes you through step-by-step on how to do a proper rebuild.

Good suggestion Caymen, just keep in mind that there are a number of specialized tools required that most people woudn't normally have. So if one decides to tackle this themself, be sure to do your research before you plow into it.
It is a bit high.

Of course, it depends on the extent of the rebuild and quality of work and parts. For a top-notch rebuild, with decent parts, proper tools, and an experienced builder, $3,000 isn't bad. But, most people don't take a rebuild this far and will only take the motor apart, visually inspect things and replace as required; for that kind of rebuild, $3,000 is too much.
Lil Red,

You are right. The specialized tools are nothing more than a ring compressor, and a torque wrench.

If the heads are in good shape, there is no need to tear those apart.

I good machine shop can rebuild an engive pretty cheap.

All in all, the price Ethan was quoted is too expensive.

If you do your own labor you should get out with a comp. rebuild for about 1000.00. If you do DON'T buy a kit. Go with good parts like milling oil pump (new) kit ones are rebuilt and Fel-Pro gaskits,Cloyes timming set,Clevite 77 bearings, And a new not regring cam and you should have a good running motor good luck. Bill
The real question is the definition of "Properly Rebuilt". ??

The job cost will depend on what parts need to be replaced. Bearings, rings and gaskets are the givens. However if you cylinders are worn excessively or out of round, etc you will probably need to bore the block and install oversized pistons. That would make the cost higher than if you just honed the cylinders and were able to install the same pistons. The engine parts need to be examined for wear and possible stress failures and that cannot be predicted until the engine is dismantled.

Heads are another area that depends on the condition of the valve train. You may need to have valve seats replaced, or just reground. Valves (especially exhaust) may have to be replaced. Valve springs may, or may not meet specified pressures at installed height and need to be replaced.

Usually you should always install a new oil pump, as well as new freeze plugs. You may or may not need to mill the heads, deck the block, alignbore, etc and Machine work is expensive. Many shops do the machine work even though some engines don't need it.

Places that sell rebuilt engines and shortblocks do not always replace all the parts if they are serviceable, or do every machine operation, but will charge you a standard price for that same engine regardless of what that engine needed. You will never know what parts were replaced unless you do the rebuild yourself.

You may be better off buying a low mileage engine from a junk yard.

Thanks for the in depth reply Rich. Can you give me a range high and low for a rebuild? Based on your answer I would think $1k-$3k depending on what was needed?
Rebuilt engines with a servicable exchange will cost from $1000 to $1500 for a long block (complete block and heads) Installation will vary based on the shop's labor charges. Also, remember that that there will be labor charges to remove and replace the intake, exhaust manifolds and all the accessories, sensors, and mounting brackets from the old engine to the new engine. That often cost as much or more than the labor to remove and reinstall the engine.

That's why I mentioned that it might is often cheaper to buy a complete used (low mileage) engine from a junk yard. The engine cost will usually be cheaper than the cost of a rebuilt and labor rates are only to remove and replace the engine.

I am assuming you only want to have a daily driver truck and want to keep the price down. If you want to do a restore the truck or build a custom street cruiser, then you would not be as worried about the cost since it will be expensive if you have someone else do it. Engine swaps with the same make, model vehicle and the same engine are pretty easy even for someone who has never done it before with common hand tools. Jacks and engine hoists can be rented for a weekend ar very reasonable rates.

Hi Rich, the truck is a third vehicle. It will be used a few days a week to go to the horse stable, and occasionally to go to the dump or pick up mulch. I don't think it will be driven more than 3,000 miles a year.

Do you know off the top of your head what the last year engine I would be able to use? Did the 5.0L V8 change much over the years?

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