Explosive Video - Reich, Obamas economic advisor

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Some where way to close to the effen city
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Now here's an interesting video for a CHANGE! I'm sure they don't really mean what they're actually saying.

What a terrible thing to say IMO. I think thats the most racist comment from a public official in a very long time. These are who the people elected. I do feel bad about all the white contractors and union types.
WOW, there is some spin for yea....

Robert Reich (economic adviser to President Obama): "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers"

Oh, right, he really meant Union workers. ;) And, GOD, forbid these jobs go to skilled workers.... why would we want buildings and bridges developed by skilled workers.
There is going to be some very crappy stuff coming. Non of it will suprise me. You get what you pay for..

I say that because they are typically synonymous.

Not so...

I can see reruns of Jericho in the future. I'm just not as prepared as I would like to have been. Hope I'm wrong.

Beautiful. Under the guise of economic recovery, they talk about social engineering. How is economic recovery achieved "quickly" not by creating jobs for those workers who built the economy to what it was, but instead by targeting potential alternates to those workers, who would certainly be suboptimal due to ther lack of training and experience?

Interesting how Reich talks about specifically controlling money the fed hands out, but then Wrangle complains about the states wanting to control money returned to them by the fed.

You wanted change.... welcome to it. Now we all suffer. Geee... thanks.

Again history repeats itself!

When it come to the Lincoln/Obama comparrison, let's all hope that not all of that story gets repeated. We are in trouble now, imagine what would happen if, GOD forbid, some dumbkoff schmuck did something drastic to The Messiah.
Saw on the noon news. A woman is marketing 2 obama collectables. One is a jack in the box playing hail to the chief with OB poping up. The other makes me puke. A model of Mount Rushmore with OB next to Lincoln..:angry:
I wonder why this wasn't rerun on tv shows all over.

You know if it was Bushs' advisor saying something about black workers it would be shown a million times.

I hope people are really ready to get what they asked for.

I think from now on they should have a sign posted on roads and buildings and such saying that it was built by people who needed money not the best possible people so all of us that care about our safety and our families can stay away and those that want to support that can use it until it breaks.

Fast Eddie,

So where you are from there are a lot of non-white guys in the various construction trade unions?

Not so where I come from. Mostly white guys, third and fourth generation union, with their card passed down to them.

TJR, Texas is an open shop state. There is union and non union construction. You dont have to belong to the union to get hired at a union job or join to keep it. The union and the non union jobs have all races of people as employees.
Foxsomeone asked why this wasn't rerun on TV shows. Simple! The majority of the news networks love Obama and hate Bush. Scary to think the news media only shows you what they want you to know. Something to think about. :unsure:

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