Fabric to cover a speaker box..

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David Griffith 2

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I'm going to be covering a box.. I dont know which material to use to cover it.. Any recommendations? I need something I can get locally. I don't want to wait on something to be shipped. I know that carpeting is usually the standard but If I could find a cheap vinyl look (like our console armrests) I'd go for that. Anybody out there found anything like this? I'm looking for something that will match the grey, and it needs to be thin.. Thanks in advance for any help. ;)
Any arts and crafts stores by you. Like AC more, Michaels ???

They will have an assortment of stuff...

Todd Z
I'll check out the Michael's and I think there's a Jo annes.. I'll start there.. No audio shops around here but Hi-fi.. (i hate that place)

Thanks guys..
The grey vinyl that I used to cover my armrest for my console box and that dual 8 with the amp racks in it was purchased at Hancock Fabric, there are 2 stores here in Virginia Beach, but I don't know if they are a chain or not. It was approx $9 a yard and should only take 1 yard to do that box.
I bought the carpet to do my box the JD built at Wal Mart. I have bought there a few times for other projects too. It is in the automotive section and is called Automotice carpeting. Pick up a can of spray adhesive to glue it to the box at the same time too.