Fan Blower

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Allen, TX
Hi, it's been ages since I've been on here. Need some help.....I have a 2007 Limited V8. What my issue is my fan blower is on high, can't change the speed or even turn it off.

Any ideas what the issue is? Was thinking it might be a blower resistor, if it is, where is it located and is it easy to change out on my own? Thanks
If you have automatic climate control then chances are that is the blower motor speed controller...aka blower resistor. The newer design fails in a different way than the older system.
Thx, yeah, mine does have the climate control. Neither the switch on the steering wheel or on the console lets me change the speed and cant turn it off either. Is it located under the glove box near the motor housing?

I really don't want to have to take it to Ford for the price they charge on repair costs.
Well, I went looking for this device and for the life of me, I can't figure out where it's located. Anyone have a pix of what I'm looking for? Thx:banghead:
Maybe easier and cheaper if you check the Blower motor relay. I have burnt 3 in the last 2 months.

You need to make sure that the wiring connector is ok, if it is and you are going through relays you needt o replace the blower motor as well. Once they get old and start drawing excessive amperage they will start to eat blower motor relays.
Firefox,8/10/2010 10:27 MT

Well, I went looking for this device and for the life of me, I can't figure out where it's located. Anyone have a pix of what I'm looking for? Thx

Do you have automatic climate control??
I was looking under the dash of my '07 Limited yesterday, and noticed that the fan assembly is right there out in the open under the passenger side dash panel. It couldn't be easier to work on. I'd take pics, but since there's a thunderstorm out there... No need really, you can't miss it.

My Limited has electronic controls for the climate control. I think that's part of the Limited package IIRC. So your problem probably lies in some computer or some cheap part that tells the computer what to do. Those buttons that set the fan speed don't seem very robust to me. If one (I have two sets, one on the dash, and another on the steering wheel) of the "more fan" contacts got stuck that way, the computer might not do anything when you press the "less fan" button.

I don't know about the blower motor relay, but if everything else checks out, you have one more thing to check.

Good luck!

The blower motor speed controller is located to the left of the blower motor and has 5 wires going to it.....very high failure rate on this part adn when they go bad you can't control the blower motor and it usually sticks on high.
Thanks for the tips.....yeah, mine does have the climate control. In this Texas heat, I'm glad that it got stuck on high.

The status display bars do go up and down when I press either the button on the console or the steering wheel, but the fan remains on high speed. So, I know it's not a stuck button.

Scott, is that part very expensive to replace where those 5 wires are attached?
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Had the same problem on my 07 Limited: Fan stuck on high speed, no control, will not shut off. Checked fuses under driver's side dash and underhood relay (you can swap with the one next to it), and all these were good.

Got a little confused when Ford dealership parts counter sold me the wrong piece (4L2Z-19A706) which fits the Manual system. For electronic version you need part 6L2Z-19E624, which cost me $52.35. 5 minute install once you have right part in hand.
Took some pictures when I replaced the fan resistor. Hope I got the upload right.

[Broken External Image]:

Psgr side dash with glove box removed.

[Broken External Image]:

Resistor held in duct by two screws.

[Broken External Image]:

New part is on left. Replaceme, test, button up. 20 minute job, approx cost $60.

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