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Here is a general description of the Freemasons. I did find a few references which seem to support Gavin's view, but the sources seem suspect, so I won't give them any credit here.
Nelson--Yes, I realize that the story itself is fiction. But I also know that much of the backstory in the book regarding various organizations is based on a combination of factual information and historical allegations that to date have neither been proved or disproved. To someone completely unfamiliar with Freemasons, the book does a reasonable job at least of demonstrating that they're a bit different than, say, the local Jaycees. Then again, the same can be said about the Simpons episode dealing with the Society of Stonecutters. :)

The part of the DaVinci code dealing with secret societies is fake. The persons behind the fabrication admitted that it was all fake, the documents, the secrets, everything. There was an interesting show on Discovery some time back called "The Real DaVinci Code", and in it, the book was broken down part by part, and much of it was fake. A few parts are based on real places, but many of the details and events involved are fake. But, of course, if you really want to belive there is a secret society, then you'll readily belive that they had a hand in that show as well to basically deny to existance of any society, thus keeping everything secret once again after the flare-up of popularity.
So you're saying that there are no Freemasons? That they're entirely fake? No way.

Fact: The Freemasons exist.

Fact: They've existed for centuries.

Fact: They have had many powerful and famous members.

Not indisputable fact, but far from fiction: They likely still have many powerful and famous members.

Fact: There have been allegations/beliefs for centuries by some that the Freemasons are linked with or have roots with the Knights Templar, and/or with the Priory of Sion; allegations that existed well before "The DaVinci Code" was written.

Fact: There are many things about the Freemasons inner workings that they've attempted (with varying success) to keep secret.

If you're doubting any of this, there are myriads of sources that'll back me up--Nelson's link above is a good start. I'll admit that I don't know a whole lot about this subject--but sources such as this have been enough to convince me that they at least EXIST...
I didn't read where Tiger said the Freemasons don't exist. They obviously do exist. What I think he meant is that the events that took place in the book/movie are fictional.

The problem with organizations with secrets is that they are misunderstood. Because secrets are held from the society, society becomes distrustful. This is true of the Freemasons, but also applies to our very own government. Even if the point in keeping the secrets is to the benefit of society.

The press/media is to blame for much of this. They want to know every secret, and if they can't find it out, they will try to force release of it by spinning conspiracy theories or coming up with a story far worse than the secret.

The part of the DaVinci code dealing with secret societies is fake.

...if you really want to belive there is a secret society...

I also don't think it's fair to "blame" the press/media for this. It has far more to do with human nature in general, and the press/media handling of that is simply an extension of that human nature. When someone does something wrong, one natural thing for them to do is to try to cover it up. Therefore, when people see others trying to cover something up, without them giving a reasonable reason for doing so, a natural response is to conclude that they may be hide some wrongdoing. And natural curiosity leads us to wonder what that wrongdoing would be. The press/media is simply the occupationalization (not even sure that's a word, but I'm going with it) of that natural tendancy.
like i said, Ask 1 to Be 1.....that is your best source of info..forget the media and the internet....
Have people just stopped reading words? I guess it is a lot easier to just make a guess a what someone wrote and go from there.

FACT: the Priory of Sion is a hoax. A very elabrote hoax initiated by bored rich kids with nothing else to do.

I never said the Freemasons were fake, but the secret societies, namely the Priory of Sion, in the DaVinci code are fake. Freemasons are far from secret, but people want to belive they are, it adds an aire of mystery and mistique to them. Drive around some, chances are you'll find a clearly marked Freemasons Lodge somewhere close by.

Freemasons, by the way, are little more a group of mostly men who strive to better the community they exist in through good will, charity, and community service. It looks as if you've fallen to the Lure of the Freemasons. You could compare them to the American Legion: strict rules for inclusion, and whose main goal is to better the world around them through direct action and a belive in a higher being.
"Ask 1 to Be 1"--but if they won't disclose what they're about, how in the world would one know if they want to be one? No wonder Nelson's wikipedia link indicates that they're membership is declining. Unless they're willing to actually tell people what they're getting into BEFORE they get into it, I'll pass...