Final Fitch Report

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Terry Schultz

Active Member
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Texas City, TX
My new mpg has only increased 4.5 to 5% (.5 to .7 mpg). This is an increase that I did not have before. Would I pay ~ $200 for this increase, I do not know but I did. The truck does seem to run smoother but, that is probably me wanting it to.

Dingo's increase of 10-12 % probably is because of his 11 mpg start. Mine was 16.5 (using A/C). Me not using A/C is 18.5 mpg: so I will see what happens when I do not use A/C.

There is an increase -- is it worth it ?? -- you must decide.


Edit = Mine is stop and go City only.

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Les --

Not meant to be impressive. Just a report on the increse I got. Everyone must decide if the increase is justified.

I calculate my payback is about 15 months. Instant gratification does not come with the Fitch.

I was waiting for pricing on mine.... But some one has not got back to me..

Todd Z
I was hoping to see better results. Most of my driving is city also. I think I will just remove the accelerator pedal,,:lol: I will just idle around town the way all the ilegals do. Most have no license. I believe they think 15mph in a 35mph wont get them pulled over..:lol:
shaun, its true. I deal with it everyday in the houston area. Sometimes they might do 20 in a 50 zone.:lol:

Sorry to hear that your test was not up to what you expected. I had hoped that the Fitch device would show more improvement, but was very sceptical that it would prove that effective.

The mixed results may be due to the type and quality of fuel available in the different areas of the country, as well as different traffic conditions.

It's very difficult to get any kind of accurate mileage statistics when driving in any kind of city traffic. There are just too many variable that change from minute to minute and day to day. One slow driver, catching one extra traffic light, etc can have a very big impact on fuel mileage. That's why I prefer open highway driving late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. Nobody is on the road so there are less uncontrolled variations that will cause major fluctuations.
