Finally some justice from eBay!

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
A seller on eBay was using my photos of the "Chops" flames off of my web site. Basically, copied the designs, which I don't have a problem with, however, he used Chops and JKII photos for his images in his ads.

Well, I'm a VeRo member now and his add was pulled!

I don't mind at all his has the same design but jeez use your own photos!
That is very common. Theresa had someone stel her photos and auction wording, and then had the nerve to file a complaint that Theresa stole her auction detail and pictures.

When Theresa had her auction pulled, Theresa gave proof of previous auctions long before that person had that item to sell. eBay found in Theresa's favor.

Heck, I had a guy accuse me of using a photo in my Ebay auction that he said he created with Photo shop(it was his intellectural property). We went round and round till I told him to take me to court because I had something he didn't have. I had the original photo from BEFORE I cropped it down. It had a photo of MY Fiero GT with the graphic I created in the photo taken in MY MOTHERS GARAGE with MY GRAND PRIX in the background. I don't know why this idiot could have been so bored to waste his and my time on such nonsense. He fed me a bunch of BS and I proved him wrong on all accounts and then had his wife accuse me of harassaing them!! I guess he wanted to get me riled up and he did suceed at that! There are some people that are worth disliking!

No one hates being caught in a lie more than a liar. I've had people lie to my face, tell me to check it out with the person involved, and then get mad at me for checking!

I'm looking for a nice set of Dale Earnhardt and Jr. stickers for the rear window of my trac. I'm thinking i'd like to keep them on the side windows, maybe 6" tall or maybe just a bit taller.

Could you let me know what you got, and the cost. Thanks
I've actually complained about a couple folks on ebay who ripped me off in the past. They ended up ripping off a lot of people. I've recieved calls from the FBI to email them any correspondence from the illegitimate sellers and at one point they offered to fly me out to virginia if one of them pleaded not guilty. The courts sent me mail of the final judgement and penalty. Now about every 6 months, I get mail from a couple prisons informing me of prisoner transfer status, where they're locked up, and when they'll be released.
Dang someone stole pics of my truck? Well it wouldn't be the first time lol.. Some one tried to say the bar in the bed of my truck was theirs... Even though it has my car club plaque right in the middle of it. :angry::huh:

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