For all those complainers!!!!!!

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tyler wright

Active Member
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
louisville, MS
just thought i would post this for future reference


1. To join two independent clauses, use a comma followed by a conjunction, a semicolon alone, or a semicolon followed by a sentence modifier.

2. Use commas to bracket nonrestrictive phrases, which are not essential to the sentence's meaning.

3. Do not use commas to bracket phrases that are essential to a sentence's meaning.

4. When beginning a sentence with an introductory phrase or an introductory (dependent) clause, include a comma.

5. To indicate possession, end a singular noun with an apostrophe followed by an "s". Otherwise, the noun's form seems plural.

6. Use proper punctuation to integrate a quotation into a sentence. If the introductory material is an independent clause, add the quotation after a colon. If the introductory material ends in "thinks," "saying," or some other verb indicating expression, use a comma.

7. Make the subject and verb agree with each other, not with a word that comes between them.

8. Be sure that a pronoun, a participial phrase, or an appositive refers clearly to the proper subject.

9. Use parallel construction to make a strong point and create a smooth flow.

10. Use the active voice unless you specifically need to use the passive.

11. Omit unnecessary words.


Wasnt this just posted about 3 days ago??

Todd Z
No, that was the version that makes fun of the rules by breaking them.
Thats the only knock I have against this forum, how much people pick apart others peoples posts. I don't care if the spelling is correct as long as it's readible.

I go by a simple rule.... before I hit "submit" or "reply" I simply read through my post 1 time and make sure it makes sense. I have made many grammatical errors in my day on here, but at least most of them are readible.

Can I just make one request..... can people please stop picking apart other peoples posts unless it is absolutely necessary. Im sorry Tyler but that previous post about the semi etc.... was very difficult to read, if you could please try re-reading your posts before you submit them it would be greatly appreciated (I think this should go for everybody). Thank you.
and never wear pink.... ever... for any reason.....only the odd girl likes it on a guy.... coincidentally girls love having gay guys as friends....:p
There are people that feel they must pick apart other people.. There are people that will never agree with others, and there are those that feel they are better than everyone else...

What if a person has a disorder, slow, slightly retarded, whatever, maybe they cant do better. everyone talks and walks differently


What if i spell soemthing wrong?? who cares....

Maybe people just don't know about "ispell" And other free things that can help them out

EDIT: IF the person has a bad attitude or is rude, THEN complain to rich to have that person banned.... Simple really....


Todd Z
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I agree on all counts, Todd Z, in general.

But as for Tyler he claims to be an "A" English student and that his posts are a by-product of his hasty typing. That goes to the "lack of respect" and the "if it's worth doing it's worth doing right" points I brought up. He even stated specifically that it's not his problem others have to work a little to read his posts and they should just "get over it" (my paraphrase).

That's just rude.
